
Hello all! We finally have the big announcement: registration is open for Mysterium 2024!


Registration is now open. Standard registration (admission to Mysterium) will be $25, and Premium (admission plus a 2024 t-shirt) will be $40. Since we are starting later than usual this year, online registration will be available at the same price up until the weekend of Mysterium. On-site registration will be available for $30.

Important Note: We will not be selling any swag on-site this year. All swag must be ordered by June 9.

See our Registration page for more information.

March/April Prompt Winners

For the March/April topic of “Memories” we had Talashar’s story “Autumn Winds”
The visual winner was again redwoodrroad with this excellent image:

a man so blinded by painful memories of the past, by pride and vengeful wrath, he failed to see the life he could lead in the present–
–and the life he could foster for the future.

There’s still plenty of time to submit content for the May/June topic of “Blooming”.

Special guests and schedule announcements coming soon!

Annacat and Dan,
Mysterium 2024 co-chairs

2 Weeks Away


We have a few last things to cover before Mysterium, which brings us to our first point:

Mysterium is 2 weeks away!

Scream!! We can’t wait to see everyone, and we’re all hard at work getting last-minute details ironed out. The Committee has a few things to go over with everyone, and we’re all looking forward to our weekend with you.

Registration Closes Tomorrow

Huge reminder to everyone that registration closes tomorrow, Friday, June 16th. While we will have a limited number of standby tickets available to sell at the Registration table, those will be on a first-come, first-served basis on Friday, June 30th only. Stand-By tickets include admission for the weekend, and Mysterium 2023 Lanyard (while supplies last), but DOES NOT include admission to Cyan. Anyone buying a Stand-by ticket (either online, or at the registration table) will have their name placed on a standby list for any last-minute spots that may open up for the Cyan trip on Saturday morning. However, please be aware this does not guarantee a ticket to Cyan.

Bus ticket Deadlines

Bus ticket online sales will end when Registration closes tomorrow, Friday, June 16th. We will be selling the tickets at Mysterium until 8:30am on Saturday July 1st, before leaving for Cyan at 9:00am.

Meet & Greet Details

There will be a few Cyan staff for folks to meet during the Meet & Greet portion of the Cyan visit on Saturday.

For meeting Rand, folks may choose to have either one selfie with Rand or one autograph with Rand. If you choose to have an autograph, it should be a simple autograph without personalization. This is to keep the lines moving and not overwhelm Rand. Please be respectful of Rand’s time during the meet & greet and save your questions for the Q&A panel at 3:00 pm later in the day.

May Prompt Winner

Keith “Tweek” Lord  won the May Prompt! See the submission here:

Con Room Rules

Some reminders for the Convention Space Room as we are quickly approaching convention time.

  • NO food inside the Convention hotel space
  • All drinks must be in covered containers
  • Masks must be worn in the con room (surgical, N95, or equivalent). See COVID page for more information.

See our Policies page for a full list of policies related to Mysterium and the convention room.
Reminders of rules for inside con room (no food, drink etc)

See everyone in two weeks!
Rayne & m13
– Mysterium co-chairs

Registration Capacity, Overflow, Bus, Oh my!


We are thrilled to have so many of you interested in coming to Mysterium this year!

We have reached our maximum capacity of 250 in-person attendees, as Cyan can only accommodate 250 people. That being said, we have opened up 25 additional tickets at a discounted rate of $40 for those who are not interested in visiting Cyan. If you are interested in purchasing this type of ticket, you may do so by following this link. Additional “Standard Registration” slots may open up if people choose to let us know that they are not interested in touring Cyan on Saturday.

To that end, if you have purchased a ticket already and are interested in changing over to this type of ticket please use this form and we will be in touch with next steps soon.


A charter bus will be available for those who need a ride to and from Cyan on Saturday. We will have 48 seats available on the bus. To reserve your seat, please log in to Convention Master by following this link, go to the swag section and select Coach Bus to and from Cyan. A non-refundable fee of $15 will apply.

June’s Prompt

It’s almost time for Mysterium, ya’ll. So the creative prompt for June is “Scream”. Interpret this however you wish!

Scream into the void of the starry expanse, the scream of the piranha chicken, or the scream of being eaten by a whark! You decide.

We’re almost there! We’ve got some great stuff coming soon.
Have a great evening!

– Rayne & m13
Mysterium co-chairs


Hello again! This will be a bit of a long one since we have quite a lot to announce.

Special Guests

We have another round of guests to announce. Numinous Games are the developers of Area Man Lives, published by Cyan Ventures and released this spring. We also have several members of the ongoing development team for Uru/MOULa and an additional member of the Myst Documentary team.
  • ametist first started building ages for MOULa in 2008
  • Elana Bell Bogdan created the soon-to-be-revealed “Vault of Stories” for the Myst Documentary
  • Colin “Maccodemonkey” Cornaby is currently focused on bringing Uru to the Mac
  • Patrick “Doobes” Dulebohn has been creating content for Uru since 2007
  • Amy Noel Green has created games with Numinous including That Dragon, Cancer and Area Man Lives
  • Ryan Green is the Creative Director and Head of Narrative for Numinous Games
  • Harley “Calum Traveler” is a writer, artist, and tester for MOULa
  • Adam “Hoikas” Johnson is a developer on the open-source Uru client
  • Keith “Tweek” Lord works on Age development and helps support other developers in MOULa
  • Mike Perrotto is a software developer and producer for Numinous Games
  • Darryl “Paradox” Pogue is a software developer for Uru
  • Paul “rarified” Richards is a fan content coordinator for MOULa
Again, full bios can be found on our Special Guests page, and we’re still not quite done announcing guests.


Here’s the big announcement: the schedule for Mysterium 2022 is now live on the website! Check it out on our Schedule page. We are still finalizing one or two events so it will likely change in the next few weeks, but most of it is ready to go.

June Community Prompt

Once again we received some great submissions, this time for the topic of “Resilience”, and our winner is Harley “Calum Traveler” for the Narayani word “resilience” in pride flags.
Narayan Resilience Pride Flag

Social Buttons

Do you like warm hugs? Not quite into all the unknown people around you? Or maybe people should just ask what would be the next right thing for you? We’re providing social buttons this year to let everyone know your comfort level! They’ll be available all weekend in the con room.
  • Yes button – I’m comfortable with conversations, come on up and talk to me!
  • Ask button – I’m unsure about my comfort level. Please ask before approaching me.
  • No button – I’m not comfortable with conversations. Please give me space.
Social Buttons
Feel free to swap out buttons whenever you feel you need to! We also ask that you please be respectful in regards to these social buttons. Don’t harass other people for wearing them. Be a kind human.

Writing & Artwork Table Submissions

Just a quick reminder that submissions for the writing & artwork table are open through July 31. Check out our Submissions page for details.


Registration is still open through August 1. After that date, online registration will close. We will sell admission at the door starting Friday morning, but the early badge pickup on Thursday will only be available to those who purchased their badge online.

Hotel Booking Deadline

If you plan to stay at the official Mysterium hotel this year, the Holiday Inn Denver East, you only have a few days left to book a room at the Mysterium rate. After July 19 there will be no guarantee of availability as any remaining rooms in the block may be released to the public. See our Location page for more information.

OK if you made it through that whole thing, thank you for reading. We’ll have more guests, as well as information on the hotel shuttle and parking, soon.

Mysterium 2022 Chair


Shorah! We have a few more updates before we start the new year, including opening registration for Mysterium 2022.


First is the biggest announcement for this month: registration is now open! Until May 15, early bird registration will be available at two different rates: Standard ($25) will provide admission to the event and any swag we produce, such as pins. Premium ($40) includes everything from Standard as well as a Mysterium 2022 t-shirt. We have not yet chosen a t-shirt design, so if you’d prefer to wait you’ll still have plenty of time to purchase a registration once we announce that. If you are planning to submit a t-shirt design, we’d recommend holding off on registering, since your shirt will be free if your design is selected. Details are available on our registration page.


While we are in a substantially better situation than we were a year ago, we are not out of the woods with regard to COVID-19. As such, we are planning to require all attendees to be up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations. Most likely this will mean the CDC’s definition of “fully vaccinated” at the time of the event. We will provide more details closer to the convention on logistics such as how to provide proof of vaccination.


A couple quick notes on submissions. If you submitted an entry for the Writing & Artwork table for 2020 or 2021, you will need to re-submit it for this year. Additionally, remember t-shirt design submissions are open until February 20. We’d love to see your artwork, and the two winning designers each receive a free t-shirt! See our submissions page for details. Finally, some of you have asked about an activity book for this year, similar to the digital one we produced for 2020. We are planning to put one together, but are still working out some of the details, so we can’t open submissions quite yet.

We’ll have more to announce in the new year. In the meantime, enjoy the season!

Mysterium 2022 Chair