Registration is Open!

Hello! Hopefully some of you have been able to rejoin society as things begin to reopen for the Summer.

Myst IV Panel Questions

As we mentioned in our previous post, we have Brian Wrench and Meinert Hansen joining us this year for a panel on Myst IV: Revelation. To facilitate question gathering for this panel, we have decided to request questions in advance. Feel free to ask anything, as long as it’s on-topic. Submit questions using this form by July 15. Currently this is the only panel for which we’re planning to require pre-submitted questions. If that changes, we will give plenty of advance notice.

Marker Missions

Since we won’t be together in person, our usual marker missions involving markers scattered around the hotel won’t be possible this year. Instead, we are running one in Myst Online! If you aren’t familiar with Myst Online, that’s ok! We put together a guide for you. The game itself is also free! There are some steps that you’ll need to do to prep for marker mission participation, and that part can be time consuming, so don’t wait! See our Marker Missions page for instructions and additional information.


Registration for Mysterium 2021 Online is now open! As with last year, all events will be streamed, and registration is not required to watch; however, you will need to register (it’s free again this year) to participate in any interactive content. See our Registration page for details.

Special Guests

We have a few more special guests to announce:
  • Chuck Carter helped create the artwork for Myst. He is currently working on a playable version of the original concept for the Selenitic Age using Unreal Engine 5.
  • Rand Miller co-founded Cyan over 30 years ago, bringing us the worlds of Myst and its sequels, as well as the upcoming game Firmament.
  • Philip Shane is an award winning documentary filmmaker, working on such films as Being Elmo and The Beatles Revolution. Myst fans know him for his upcoming Myst Documentary.

Check out their full bios and the complete list of guests on our Special Guests page.

We’ll have more to announce in the coming weeks. Hope to see you all online next month!
The Mysterium Committee

Mysterium 2021 Registration Is Now Live!

Greetings everyone! We are excited to share some updates for Mysterium 2021!

Registration Now Open

Registration for Mysterium 2021 is now available on our Registration page. Standard registration can be purchased for $30, while premium registration, which includes a t-shirt and any swag, can be purchased for $45 through April 30th. A link for hotel reservations will be posted on the Location page soon.

Before you jump in, we have a few additional notes about registration this year:

2020 Registration Rollover

If you purchased a Mysterium 2020 registration and elected to roll it over to 2021, please do not purchase an additional registration. We will contact all registrants who requested a rollover in the coming weeks to confirm and follow-up with a blog update. If you don’t remember whether you requested a rollover, please wait to see if you receive communication before re-registering.

Statement on COVID-19

The safety and well-being of our attendees is of utmost importance to the Mysterium Committee. As the state of the coronavirus is continually evolving, it is difficult to determine exactly how events or gatherings may look in July. That said, we reserve the right to require attendees to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or a negative test prior to issuance of a badge and admission to the event space. Any such proof will be used solely for verification and will not be stored by either The Mysterium Convention or Falling Man Group.

As the situation solidifies in the coming months, we will be sure to provide updates as they are ready to be shared. Any associated policies will be listed on our Policies page, including any potentially relevant changes to our refund policy, if and when they are written.

T-Shirt Order Update

All T-shirts ordered this year have been shipped! Many thanks to Odo for single-handedly taking on such an immense operation. If you have not yet received your shirt or an email with shipping information, please contact us and include your order number.


As a reminder, we are currently accepting event, Activity Book, writing, and art submissions from the community. For more information, please see our Submissions page.


Thank you all for your continued support; we hope you are all staying well and look forward to an opportunity to see everyone again soon. For our fans in the United States, have a safe Thanksgiving holiday.

–The Mysterium 2021 Triumvirate: Capella, Drew, and Dan

Mysterium 2020 Registration and Hotel Reservations Now Open!

Happy March everyone!

We are excited to announce that registration and hotel reservations are now open! As is tradition, with registration also comes the announcement of this year’s t-shirt design. We’re so excited to share what the community created this year, so let’s get right to it.


In the front of this year’s shirt, we have a depiction of the Jefferson Memorial superimposed on the Tomahna book vault. This eye-catching design was created by Katherine “Squee” White.

Shirt front logo closeup and photo of shirt with logo on model

On the back, we have a stunning depiction of Spire and Haven designed by none other than Claire “Shoom’lah” Hummel.

Closeup photo of the rear shirt design with photo of shirt and logo on model

We’re so excited to have both of these designs for our shirts this year. For more information, please see our T-Shirts page. We’d like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who submitted T-shirt artwork this year. Even if your design was not selected, we hope to feature your work elsewhere during Mysterium.


This year, Mysterium will take place at the Westin Alexandria Old Town in Alexandria, VA. Located just a few minutes walk from Alexandria and King Street stations, this hotel offers easy access to downtown Alexandria and Washington, D.C. proper. We’ve secured a rate of $100/night for both single and double rooms.

For more information about our hotel, including links to make your reservation, visit our updated Location page.


Mysterium 2020 registration is now open! From now until May 31st, you can purchase a weekend registration for $25, or a premium registration (weekend + shirt) for $40. That’s a $5 discount off of the individual items! Starting June 1st, the price will increase and shirts will not be available for pre-order.

We have once again included a space for you to indicate your pronouns on your badge, should you wish. Read more and register today over on our Registration page.


As a reminder, we are still accepting submissions for events, enamel pins, activity book pages, as well as writing and artwork. The deadline for pin design submissions is right around the corner on March 15th, so be sure to send your ideas in. All information about submissions can be found on the Submissions page.

New Submission Rights Policy

With Cyan’s help, we have written a new licensing/copyright policy for all submitted works (logos, pin designs, etc). Previously, all works submitted to Mysterium became the property of Cyan Worlds Inc. Going forward you will retain copyright of your own work, but grant Cyan and FMG/Mysterium a perpetual license to it. For the complete details and legalese, see the Submissions section on our Policies page. This applies immediately to all future submissions, and retroactively to all pin design and activity book submissions for Mysterium 2020.

It’s hard to believe that Mysterium is just around the corner! We’ll have more updates for you all soon.

Mysterium 2020 Triumvirate: Capella, Drew, and Dan

Two Months to Mysterium!

Hello Everyone!

Can you believe that Mysterium 2018 is only two months away? The committee has been hard at work bringing everything together for a fantastic convention in St. Louis. In the spirit of “two months,” we present: “Two Months to Mysterium: Too Many Updates to Handle.”


Next Friday, June 8th, marks the close of event submissions and Early-Bird and T-Shirt Registrations! If you haven’t yet registered, head over to our Registration page and sign up today! After June 8th, t-shirts will no longer be available to pre-order and all admission prices will increase by $5. Online registration will continue to be available at full price until July 20th.

Additionally, we are still accepting event submissions until June 8th. If you have an idea for an activity, panel, or other event that you’d like to either host or see hosted, head over to the Events page and submit your ideas.

Schedule Updates

In past years, we have relied on Guidebook to provide detailed event schedules to attendees. This year, thanks to our newly redesigned website, we can offer detailed schedule information from one central location and publish a preliminary schedule for everyone to see far earlier than we could previously. If you’re hoping to see more of what we’re planning this year before you buy that Early-Bird Registration, head over to the Schedule page to see our draft schedule. We also have a few exciting schedule announcements to share!

Exclusive Myst Documentary Sneak Peak

Philip Shane, the documentary filmmaker behind Being ElmoEinstein, and many other films will be providing an exclusive look into his current project, The Myst Documentary. If you attended Mysterium last year, you may have met or been interviewed by Philip. We are delighted to receive the opportunity to learn more about his filmmaking process and have an exclusive look at some of his raw footage.

Please note that we are unable to stream or record this footage. You can only see it if you attend Mysterium!

Mysterium Excursion: City Museum

We are planning a group trip to the City Museum, an exciting, hands-on, indoor/outdoor exploratory experience just a few blocks away from our hotel. Inside the museum, you’ll find caves, slides, walkways, and tunnels that carry you around the building and over the streets. Tickets must be purchased in advanced via our Registration page to receive the group rate.

Hotel Updates

As a reminder, our exclusive room rate is available for booking at our hotel until July 4th. Visit the Location page for booking instructions.

Please Note: When making your initial reservation, you will only be able to select a check-in as early as Friday, August 3rd and check-out as late as Monday, August 6th. If you will be staying beyond these dates, please complete this form after making your “base” reservation to request a check-in as early as Wednesday, August 1st or check-out as late as Wednesday, August 7th at our group rate. We understand this is a frustrating limitation of the booking process, but we hope the form will make this process as seamless as possible. When we have confirmed that your reservation has been extended, we will notify you via email. The change will also be reflected in your reservation confirmation details on the Holiday Inn website.


We can’t wait to see you all this August! Have any questions? Looking for Room and Ride share discussions? Or just want to share your excitement for the convention? Be sure to join our Discord server or connect with us on social media.

– Mysterium 2018 PR Team

April Updates

Hello Everyone!

We’ve had some exciting announcements in the Myst community that will make for some exciting buzz at this year’s Mysterium. If you haven’t already seen the news, Cyan announced the Myst 25th Anniversary Collection on Kickstarter. Our amazing community fully funded the project within eight hours and is rapidly approaching 4x the original goal. The Collection includes some impressive and unique backer rewards, so if you haven’t yet seen the project or backed it, follow the link above and take a look.

We have some additional updates and reminders for this year’s Mysterium as well, so let’s dive in:

Early-Bird Registration and t-shirts are still available. If you missed our t-shirt announcement, head over to our T-Shirt Page to learn more about this year’s design. We’ve also added a sizing chart. When you’re ready to register, head on over to the Registration Page to get started. Be sure to visit the Location Page for more information about our hotel and how to make reservations.

As always, Mysterium wouldn’t be what it is today without our fans. If you have an idea for an event you would like to see or host, we’d love to hear about it! We’ve received some excellent ideas so far, but we’re always looking for more. Take a look at the Events Page to learn more and submit your ideas. We’re happy to work with you to make your idea a reality!

All of us on the Mysterium Committee can’t wait to see everyone this year. We have some fantastic ideas in the works and can’t wait for August to arrive. Mysterium is approaching fast and furious, so be sure to check out the Mysterium Discord server to connect with fellow fans, attendees, and staff. You’ll find this year’s room and ride share discussions there and might also be able to find a fellow fan to host an event with.

— Mysterium PR Team