Special Guest – Chuck Carter

Greetings all, and a special welcome to any Obduction backers who are looking at Mysterium for the first time.

Special Guest

Today, we are happy to announce that we will have a special guest at Mysterium 2016: Chuck Carter will be joining us on Friday and Saturday to talk about his work and generally to hang out with the fans.


Chuck, along with Robyn Miller, created the artwork that brought the worlds of Myst to life. After Myst, he worked on a number of other games, including a number of titles at Westwood Studios. He has created artwork for TV shows like Babylon 5, Crusade, and Mortal Kombat Krusades, as well as for motion rides like “Star Trek: The Experience” and Disney’s “Mission to Mars”.

Today, he is the Founder and Creative Director for indie studio Eagre Games, working on their first game, Zed. I gave Zed a try at Pax East last weekend. Trust me, if you liked Myst you’re going to like Zed.


We are very excited to have Chuck joining us. This is going to be a Mysterium you don’t want to miss!


We are also happy to announce that Cyan will be involved in Mysterium in some way this year! We don’t know quite what type of involvement yet (whether it will be a video call or actual Cyan employees at the convention), but we will keep you updated as we learn more.


A reminder that Con Book submissions are due tomorrow, and event submissions are due this coming Monday. And don’t forget that registration is currently open!

We know many people are wondering about hotel information. We sincerely apologize for the delay in getting that to you, and we anticipate that we will be able to open hotel bookings in the first week or two of May. We are in the final steps of getting the contract signed right now.

Until next time,

Mysterium 2016 PR Bah’ro

Deadline Reminder

Greetings all

This is a quick reminder that several deadlines are coming up:

Convention book submissions are due April 29th, which is in just a couple weeks! Thus far, we have had zero submissions. So if you have something that you’d like to share with the community through the conbook, please submit it! You can get all the details here: http://www.mysterium.net/convention-book/

A few days later is the submission deadline for events, panels, and other activities on May 1st. You can get those details here: http://www.mysterium.net/events/

Finally, don’t forget that registration is currently open! You can buy your badges and t-shirts here: http://www.mysterium.net/registration/

That’s it for now, but keep an eye peeled over the next few days. We’ll be announcing an exciting special guest that will be at Mysterium this year!

Mysterium 2016 PR Bah’ro

Mysterium 2016 Registration Open

Greetings all,

I am happy to announce that pre-registration for Mysterium 2016 is now OPEN! You can get all the details here: http://www.mysterium.net/registration/

We will have information on the t-shirt logos sometime soon. Remember, the deadline for logo contest submissions is this coming Monday.

We will also have information about the hotel sometime soon. Negotiations are taking longer than anticipated, but we expect to be in our usual price range for guest rooms (somewhere around the $99-$119/night range).

That’s all for now!

Mysterium 2016 PR Bah’ro

One Day Left & Guidebook

Greetings Myst Fans!

Tomorrow is the big day! We committee members are getting everything packed up today and heading over to the hotel. You can most likely find us (and other Myst fans) hanging around the hotel lobby.

Tomorrow morning, registration will open at 10AM (as it says on the schedule). We will be setting up the meeting room in the morning, so the doors will be unlocked, but please do not come in until we are official open (and you have your badge). It helps us set up faster if there aren’t extra people in the room.

Some people have been worried about internet access. Worry not! There will be free wifi in the meeting space, and we’ll have that information for you tomorrow.

guidebook-poster-no-handsAs you can see in the picture above (click for a larger version), we’ve once again partnered with Guidebook to provide a mobile version of the schedule, in addition to maps and info about the area. If needed, we will update the guidebook throughout the weekend. You can download it to your Android or Apple device by scanning the QR codes above. If you don’t have a compatible device, you can also access the guide from any web browser through this link.

This is sure to be an exciting year. I’ve had a sneak peek of what Cyan has planned (exclusively for people on-site), and you don’t want to miss it!

Until tomorrow (or tonight),

-Taniith, Mysterium 2015 Chair