Covid-19 & Mysterium 2021

Shorah everyone.

We hope you are all safe and healthy. We have some very important news about our 2021 convention, so please take a moment to read through this post.

The short version – We will NOT be holding an in-person convention this summer. Instead, we will be holding another online event on the same weekend. Refunds will be available to everyone who has pre-registered.

We know this announcement may be frustrating to many of you, but we feel it is the best course of action we have right now. Please read on for the details in a handy Q&A format:

Why aren’t you holding an in-person con?

The Covid-19 pandemic is still too out of control right now, and we simply can’t be sure what the situation will look like in July. It’s possible everyone will be vaccinated and everything will be safe; it’s also possible that vaccine delays will happen, or a more dangerous variant will appear.

There are also legal and logistical concerns surrounding a distanced con with mandatory vaccines that are still under an Emergency Use Authorization. We are a tiny volunteer-run organization with limited resources, and July is very soon. We would rather let governments and larger organizations learn how to safely hold these sorts of gatherings over the next year, rather than try to be one of the first cons out of the gate.

Why not wait another month or two to decide?

Logistically, we have to start planning for an online event. That takes time and looks different from on-site planning, so we had to make the switch at some point.

Legally, we have a contractual deadline from our hotel. If we don’t cancel now, we will owe them more money.

Why not just let the people who feel safe attending do so anyway?

Everyone has their own personal level of acceptable risk. However, the FMG Board (which oversees Mysterium) has a responsibility to do what we feel is best to protect the safety of our attendees and the people they will come in contact with (hotel staff, airline workers, food workers, etc). Given that, and the reasons we listed previously, we feel that the risks are too high to hold an official in-person event right now.

I already registered. Will I get a refund?

Yes, you will get a full refund. You will receive an email once the refund has been processed (check your spam or promotions folders!). If you don’t hear from us by the end of next week, please reach out!

What about t-shirts and other swag?

We will be selling and shipping t-shirts again this year. If you got one with your registration, it will be refunded and you will be able to re-buy it through our web store at the same price.

You can find our web store with shirt sales here.

As far as other swag – we don’t know yet.

Should I cancel my hotel room?

No, you don’t have to cancel your room reservation. The hotel should do that in a few weeks. If somehow it looks like they aren’t going to do so, we will let you know with plenty of time to cancel.

What about transportation that I booked?

Please check with your carrier for details on cancellations.

Have you considered postponing the con until later this year?

We are investigating that option, but we have no useful news about that.

How is Mysterium doing financially? Is this going to bankrupt the convention?

Overall, we’re doing pretty well. Obviously, between refunds and hotel fees, we’re going to take a hit to our funds by moving to an online convention, but thanks to sales and very generous donations from last year we should be fine.

Can I host a panel/event or otherwise help out with the online Mysterium?

Yes! We’re not ready to take in your ideas just yet, but please check back soon. 

How/where will online Mysterium be hosted?

We don’t have all the details yet, but we will likely base it on what we did last year (Zoom+Discord+Twitch/Youtube). There have been many advances in online convention hosting, though, so we’ll look into other options.

How much will the online convention cost?

As with last year, the online convention will be free! It is likely that t-shirt sales can cover our costs, and we want to make sure the convention is accessible to as many people as possible.

That’s it for the Q&A for now. Before we wrap up, we want to give a shout out to all of the volunteers on the Mysterium staff who have put in a lot of work these last two years in the hopes of running an in-person con. They have some cool stuff planned, and we hope you get to come see it at our next in-person event.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out by email, discord, or social media. We hope to have more information soon. In the meantime, please stay safe and get your vaccine when you can!

-Falling Man Group Board of Directors

Mysterium 2021 Update

Hello! We have a few updates to share, and we’d really like to hear from you as well. Read on for more information.

Registration Flexibility

While things are finally looking better, we are still not out of the woods when it comes to COVID-19. Due to some continuing uncertainty and to allow people more flexibility, we have shortened the normal 90-day cancellation policy for Mysterium refunds to 45 days. Any registration canceled at least 45 days prior to July 16 will receive a full refund.


Also with regard to the pandemic, we have put together a brief survey to gauge how people are feeling about this year’s convention. We know we have gotten a bit long-winded with surveys in the past, but we promise this one is really short: it should only take about a minute. Please fill it out by April 4 as it will help us make everyone feel safe this Summer. The survey can be found by clicking here.


Location bids for Mysterium 2022 are still open until April 1. See our Location Bidding page for more information. We are also still accepting submissions for events, activity book pages, and the writing and artwork table for this year’s convention. See our Submissions page for details.

We hope you are all still staying safe and look forward to getting together this summer.

– Mysterium 2021 Co-Chairs: Capella and Dan

Hotel Booking Now Live

Hello everyone! We hope you’re all having a promising start to the new year. Let’s kick things off with some announcements.

Hotel Booking

Hotel room booking is now available at our selected venue, the Westin Alexandria Old Town. Rooms are available for $100/night with included wireless internet and discounted parking. For more information about the hotel and the booking link, please head to our Location page.

Mysterium 2022 Location Bids

Mysterium is made possible by local efforts every year. Want us to visit your favorite city? Send us a location bid! Bids for Mysterium 2022 will be accepted through April 1st, 2021. For more information, including sample bids from previous years, visit our Location Bidding page.

Rollover Registration Update

Rollover registration emails were sent in early December. If you have questions, or did not receive one, please feel free to contact us through our Contact page.


Thank you all for joining us as we start 2021. We look forward to bringing you more exciting announcements over the coming months.

– The Mysterium 2021 Triumvirate: Capella, Dan, and Drew

Mysterium 2021 Registration Is Now Live!

Greetings everyone! We are excited to share some updates for Mysterium 2021!

Registration Now Open

Registration for Mysterium 2021 is now available on our Registration page. Standard registration can be purchased for $30, while premium registration, which includes a t-shirt and any swag, can be purchased for $45 through April 30th. A link for hotel reservations will be posted on the Location page soon.

Before you jump in, we have a few additional notes about registration this year:

2020 Registration Rollover

If you purchased a Mysterium 2020 registration and elected to roll it over to 2021, please do not purchase an additional registration. We will contact all registrants who requested a rollover in the coming weeks to confirm and follow-up with a blog update. If you don’t remember whether you requested a rollover, please wait to see if you receive communication before re-registering.

Statement on COVID-19

The safety and well-being of our attendees is of utmost importance to the Mysterium Committee. As the state of the coronavirus is continually evolving, it is difficult to determine exactly how events or gatherings may look in July. That said, we reserve the right to require attendees to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or a negative test prior to issuance of a badge and admission to the event space. Any such proof will be used solely for verification and will not be stored by either The Mysterium Convention or Falling Man Group.

As the situation solidifies in the coming months, we will be sure to provide updates as they are ready to be shared. Any associated policies will be listed on our Policies page, including any potentially relevant changes to our refund policy, if and when they are written.

T-Shirt Order Update

All T-shirts ordered this year have been shipped! Many thanks to Odo for single-handedly taking on such an immense operation. If you have not yet received your shirt or an email with shipping information, please contact us and include your order number.


As a reminder, we are currently accepting event, Activity Book, writing, and art submissions from the community. For more information, please see our Submissions page.


Thank you all for your continued support; we hope you are all staying well and look forward to an opportunity to see everyone again soon. For our fans in the United States, have a safe Thanksgiving holiday.

–The Mysterium 2021 Triumvirate: Capella, Drew, and Dan

Mysterium 2021

We’ve gone through your 2020 survey feedback and are now kicking off Mysterium 2021! We have a few announcements to share.

Survey Highlights

Thank you to everyone who filled out the Mysterium 2020 survey. It gives us valuable insight and ideas for future conventions. There were a few recurring themes we noticed from the results:

  • You’d like some additional new panels such as a discussion of the books. While we can’t promise anything since it’ll be dependent on special guests’ availability, we are looking into possible topics. If you have contact with a potential Myst-related special guest, please let us know via our Contact Us page.
  • Speedrunning and Unwritten were quite well received. Thank you to everyone who made those events happen!
  • Several people were unaware of streams and recordings from prior years. While this year was entirely online, we stream every year as best we can, excepting when panelists request us not to. We stream live on Twitch, and we post everything to our YouTube channel after the convention. A link to the YouTube playlist for a given year can also be found on the History page on our site.
  • We received several comments about Starry Expanse. While Mysterium provides a platform for announcements from fan projects, we are not directly involved in them ourselves and cannot guarantee regular presentations or updates. We encourage fan-driven projects to submit an event proposal should they have updates they’d like to share.

You may have noticed a new channel, #feedback, on our Discord server. This is for providing suggestions and feedback, either for the server or the convention itself.


We know many of you are eager to receive the t-shirts you pre-ordered. Unfortunately the pandemic has made it difficult to collaborate on packing and shipping, but we are well underway. Shirts are being sent in batches, and we are around 75% complete. Please note that if you are outside the US, international shipping has been slow lately so it may take extra time for your shirt to reach you.

Mysterium 2021

As previously announced, Mysterium 2021 will be held July 16-18 in Alexandria, VA, just outside Washington, DC. We’ll continue providing information over the next few months, but to start things off, we’re opening submissions:

  • Have an activity you’d like to run during Mysterium? Event submissions will be open until May 31.
  • We’ll be printing an activity book similar to the digital one we offered during Mysterium 2020. Page submissions will be open until April 25. Note: All pages from the 2020 digital book will be printed for 2021, so if you submitted a page this year, you do not need to resubmit it unless you wish to update or correct it.
  • As always, we will have a writing and artwork table to showcase your creations. Please get these in by July 1.

More details, including information on how to submit your ideas and works, can be found on our Submissions page. This year’s t-shirt design will be the same as 2020. Pin designs were also previously selected earlier this year.

That’s it for now. We’ll be opening registration and hotel bookings in the next few months. In the meantime, happy Halloween and enjoy the Fall!

The Mysterium 2021 Triumvirate: Capella, Drew, and Dan