Mysterium 2025: Buckhead Edition

Hello everyone!

First, thank you all for your t-shirt and pin submissions. We can’t wait to make our selections!

Now, it’s time for the announcement you’ve all been eagerly awaiting…

Hotel and Location

We are excited to announce that Mysterium 2025 will be held just north of Downtown Atlanta at the Hilton Garden Inn Atlanta Buckhead! We have negotiated a rate of $129/night with complimentary breakfast and discounted parking included. Both single and double rooms are available.

Rooms must be booked via our group link by July 9th. After this date, rooms may be released back to the public and the above price is no longer guaranteed.

Please visit our Location page for full information on the venue and how to book.

If you have any questions or issues during booking that are not addressed on the Location page, please let us know on Discord.

Event Submissions

As a reminder, we are accepting event submissions through April 30th. If there’s something you’d like to run or see at Mysterium this year, please take a look.


We thank you for your patience and cannot wait to see you all. For now, we’ll leave you with… something to pique your curiosity.

Blurry photo showing a blue and purple stained glass like item in front of a background of trees

Curator and Drew
Mysterium 2025 Co-Chairs

Your Regularly Scheduled Reminders

Hello everyone!

While we finalize venue details for this year, we’d like to take a moment for some quick reminders.

Submission Deadlines

Pin and t-shirt design submissions will be accepted through Wednesday, February 26th. That’s just under two weeks away! For more information on what we need and how to get your submissions to us, take a look at our Submissions Hub.

2026 Location Bidding Deadline

Did you know that you have the power to bring Mysterium to your city? Our parent organization, the Falling Man Group, is seeking location bids, which are proposals that explain what Mysterium would look like if it were to be held in your favorite city.

While bids are accepted year-round, bids for 2026 must be submitted by April 1st. If this is an opportunity you might be interested in, please review our Location Bids page.

Creativity Prompt Winner and Submissions

The winner of November/December’s Creativity Prompt, “hearth,” was Talashar’s Stories in the Cabin. Be sure to give it a read!

Submissions for our current theme, “rime,” will be accepted through the end of the month on Discord.


That’s it for now. We’ll be back with more very soon!

Curator and Drew
Mysterium 2025 Co-Chairs

New Year, New Updates!

Hello everyone and welcome to 2025! Mysterium grows ever closer with the turning of the calendar. Are you excited?

We have a few quick updates to ring in the new year.

Riven Spoilers

We’ve received a few inquiries regarding whether spoilers for Riven (2024) will be allowed at Mysterium this year. Following some discussion, the committee will permit spoilers at the convention.

We wish to provide a space where attendees and fans are able to discuss Riven freely, especially knowing that over a year will have passed since its release. We will do our best to indicate whether events and presentations contain spoilers so attendees can plan accordingly. Presenters will also be encouraged to let attendees know if their content contains spoilers before starting.

While we won’t be able to enforce it, we’ll have some small star stickers available at registration for you to apply to your badge holder if you wish to indicate to others that you would like to avoid Riven spoilers in conversation.

Submission Reminders

As a reminder, submissions for shirt designs, pins, events, writing, and artwork are all open. The next deadline is shirts and pins, which will close on February 26th.

For more information, check out the Submissions Hub.

Creativity Prompt Winner and Updates

The winner of September/October’s Creativity Prompt of “Falling” is Talashar’s “Many Colors.” Please do give it a read!

Voting is underway for November/December’s “Hearth” topic and submissions are currently being accepted for January/February’s theme, “Rime.” Check out the Discord to participate!


We wish everyone the best start to 2025! Stay tuned for more updates soon…

Curator and Drew
Mysterium 2025 Co-Chairs

Dates and Policy Updates

Hello everyone!

We have some big announcements to make, so let’s dive right in.

We Have Dates!

We’ll be returning to our roots and hosting Mysterium 2025 during the first weekend of August. We look forward to seeing you from August 1st – 3rd!

Additional details about our venue will be announced and posted on the Location page as it becomes available.

Health and Safety Policy Updates

Masks and COVID vaccines will be strongly encouraged at Mysterium 2025. Masks will continue to be available for attendees who did not bring their own, should they wish to use one.

A change to our conduct policy has been implemented to support the health and safety of our attendees and staff. Please review it. In summary:

  • Attendees agree to immediately stop participating in Mysterium if they exhibit symptoms of a contagious illness.
    • You may engage via the live stream as an alternative.
  • Failure to follow the conduct policy’s health and safety guidance may result in removal from the event, or additional actions as necessary.

Submissions Updates

We are ready to accept submissions for this year’s Writing and Artwork table, run once again by the fabulous Annacat. Submissions will be accepted through July 15th. For more information, please see the Writing & Art Table Submissions page.

Information about all open submission opportunities can be found on the Submissions Hub.

Creativity Prompt Voting and Submissions Open

We’re in our final days of voting for our previous creativity prompt, “Falling.” We received a number of submissions, so be sure to vote on Discord by the end of this week!

Submissions for our current theme, “Hearth,” are also being accepted on Discord through the end of December.


That’s all for now! Until next time…

Curator and Drew
Mysterium 2025 Co-Chairs

An Eventful Autumn Entry

Hello everyone!

With autumn and location planning well underway, we turn our attention towards events!

Event Submissions

This year, we are opening event submissions a bit earlier than usual. While we work on solidifying our dates, we hope this affords you some extra time to think of any great activities, presentations, or showcases you’d like to see or run yourself.

We will be accepting event submissions until April 30th. You can head over to the 2025 Submissions Hub to learn more and send in your ideas.

Other Submissions

As a reminder, we are currently accepting submissions for next year’s t-shirt and pin designs through the end of February. You can find more information at the 2025 Submissions Hub.

August Creativity Prompt Winner

We had two winners for this August’s creativity prompt, “Revelation.”

Submissions for our current theme, “Falling,” will be accepted through the end of October on Discord.

Written Winner:

Kevin F. “Kefrith” Smith’s Revelation Limerick

Yeesha was a young D’ni descendant

Who could see memories through her pendant

But she couldn’t foresee

Sirrus ceasing to be

At the hands of their brother repentant

Visual Winner:

Black and white line artwork depicting three sections. On the left shows the Myst IV Revelation age of Spire, on the right, Haven. In the middle shows Sirrus and Achenar behind a young Yeesha, each with an object held or floating above their hands. At the top are the words "Revelation IV" and at the bottom, "MYST."

By ZeTomato


We look forward to sharing more with you soon. Until then, have a great start to October!

Curator and Drew
Mysterium 2025 Co-Chairs