Writing and Artwork Submissions
September Creativity Prompt
Mysterium 2024 co-chairs
Hello all! We have a few more items to announce.
First, we’re opening pin submissions for Mysterium 2024. For more information see the Submissions page. Pins are not required to follow the Mysterium theme, but if you’d like to incorporate it, remember this year’s is Serenia.
We are continuing to showcase two winners. This month the visual art winner was laughingpineapple with “Blazing Mentor”.
The written winner was Salvo Ludus with the story “The Bad Ending”.
September’s prompt has now closed, but there’s a whole month to submit entries for October’s topic of “Noir”!
We wanted to give a quick notice for anyone who hasn’t seen: there is a new COVID vaccine available as of last month for the latest variants of the virus. We’d recommend everyone obtain it when you can!
Additionally, we have received reports of pharmacies no longer updating or providing vaccine cards. If you are looking for an updated proof of vaccine, then it is advisable to specifically request a card if possible, or look into electronic vaccine records if available for your location.
We’ll have more to share in the coming months. In the meantime, happy spooky month!
It’s summertime and we’re already in full swing for planning 2024 Mysterium! Before we dive into that, however, we wanted to share some of the highlights from the 2023 survey that we sent out as well as some other goodies.
We work hard to improve Mysterium every year and appreciate the feedback you have been sending in. Some of our experiments work, and sometimes they don’t and need some tweaks, but we always strive to make the experience better. We had a lot of fantastic suggestions and we will definitely consider them for future years!
Some of the highlights of the results:
June’s creative prompt was “Scream!” as Mysterium drew closer. The winner was redwoodrroad, who submitted this little beauty:
All of the videos from Mysterium 2023 are now available on our Youtube channel! Check it out here.
We promised, so here they are! The 3D model files for the maze boxes and cryptexes, puzzle packets, and other downloadable files are now available on the website. More items will be added in the future! Please feel free to check them out here: Downloadables
If you missed the announcement, Mysterium will be in Canada next year. As exciting as that is, it also means that you will need to plan ahead for international travel. If you do not have a passport, we recommend that you get an early jump on it, as the turnaround time is taking longer than ideal.
More information may be found on the Department of State website: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports/how-apply.html
And without further ado, we’d like to introduce you to your con-chairs for 2024.
Dan Binder (Fused Shadow) –
Dan first attended Mysterium in Orlando in 2017, then after a night at a tiki bar apparently agreed to join staff the following year (details are still a little hazy).
You’ll most likely encounter him working on the Mysterium website and/or posting on the Discord server, the latter especially if someone happens to mention Twilight Princess.
If you’re seeking him out in person, you can find him on a hiking trail or ski slope, or petting the nearest dog.
Hannah Catherine Mills-Woolsey (Annacat) –
Annacat attended her first Mysterium in Philadelphia in 2002, has been part of the Mysterium Committee since 2019, and has become the con’s self-appointed expert on all things Narayan-related. For her day job, she is a supervisor and instructor at a Vocational Education program for people with disabilities.
Her hobbies include participating in community theater, coaching a Special Olympics dance team, hiking, camping, kayaking, and loving every single animal in the world.
Wow, y’all! That was quite a weekend!!
First of all, an enormous thank you to everyone who came to join us at Mysterium this year. We had a record year and the largest crowd Mysterium has ever seen! It was truly a pleasure to be able to celebrate 30 years of Myst with you all.
Every year we try to make Mysterium a little better. To that end, we’ve put together a survey to gather your thoughts and feedback. Please take a moment and fill it out! The Survey.
Did you have your photo taken with Rand? Great! We will have digital copies available until the end of July. The group photo we took at Cyan is also up here, so please snag your photo while they’re up! The Photos.
We’ve got a lot of great folks at Mysterium who make some pretty amazing things. And they need your help!
If you visited Cyan this year, you probably got to enjoy one (or three) of Dan’s amazing cookies! He has also put together a survey and would appreciate feedback from you! Dan’s Survey.
What was your favorite kind of cookie?
Did you participate in one of the Unwritten sessions over the weekend? Are you interested in playing more? Good news! They launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund a sourcebook called Modern D’ni! This book expands beyond the initial core rulebook diving deeper into the present-day era of the Cavern! They even have an exclusive hardcover of the Core Rulebook as a reward for one of the tiers which was previously only available during the initial Unwritten kickstarter. Check it out over at Kickstarter.
Ok we have to admit, that was one of the coolest presentations we’ve ever seen! In case you missed it, the amazing folks over at the Video Game History Foundation are working directly with Cyan to restore, digitally archive, and preserve their entire video archive. Yes, this includes the old VHS tapes with original Riven footage. However, they need funding to achieve this remarkable goal. More information may be found here: Video Game History Foundation.
Whew! What a weekend!
Post-con blues are a thing, folks. Please be kind to yourself. Hydrate. We love you.
And hopefully, we’ll see you again next year in Montreal! Wait, Montreal? In case you missed it, yes! We will be in Montreal next year! Take a look at the announcement here!
Rayne & m13 signing off as
Mysterium 2023 co-chairs