
We have published the schedule for Mysterium 2024! Read on for details.

Special Guests

We have a few more guests to announce:
  • Mary DeMarle is an accomplished game writer whose portfolio includes both Myst III and Myst IV
  • Patrick Fortier has a number of gaming titles under his belt, including serving as the creative director for Myst IV
  • Sebastien Yelle is now a teacher, but way back when was a level designer for Myst IV
Check out all the guests’ full bios on the Special Guests page!


Our schedule is now live! We’re still filling in details on a few events, but we’re ready to release the 2024 schedule to the world. See the Schedule page for all the details.


As you’ll see on the schedule, we’re bringing back a few long-standing Mysterium traditions we’d put on a shelf for a few years. One of these is Unconfererences. If you don’t know what those are, they’re a set of mini-conferences on topics decided by attendees. Pitch your topic and get people interested so they want to join! That said, we need topics for people to choose from. If you have an unconference topic you’d like to discuss, fill out the form here.

Marker Missions

If you can’t make it to Mysterium this year, don’t feel left out! We’ll be hosting an in-cavern marker mission beginning at 3:30 PM Eastern Time the Friday of Mysterium. Curator, Rayne, and Yuki will also be streaming whatever shenanigans they manage to get up to at that time. For more information, see the Marker Missions page (note: you will need to follow the setup instructions in advance if you want to be able to join on time).

Last Call for Writing & Artwork Table

Annacat is still accepting submissions for writing and artwork, but these will close Sunday. If you’d like a work displayed at Mysterium, make sure to get your submission in before then. For more information, see the Submissions page on our website.

Riven 2024

Some of you may be aware that there was a remake just released of a certain Cyan game. Not everyone has had a chance to play it yet so we’re going to discourage any discussion of spoilers from the new game at Mysterium. That said, Cyan’s presentation will likely contain spoilers, and we cannot control every conversation people have.
We’re looking forward to seeing you all in Montreal in just two weeks!
Annacat and Dan, Mysterium 2024 co-chairs

Special Guests

We’re excited to announce our first few special guests for this year’s Mysterium!

Special Guests

This year we’ll have some guests from Myst IV: Revelation. The first we’re ready to announce are:
  • Meinert Hansen is an illustrator who served as the art director for Myst IV.
  • Katie “Kha’tie” Postma is a long-time member of the Mysterium family and the Social Media Manager for The Myst Documentary.
  • Joshua Reinstein is an editor and researcher for The Myst Documentary.
  • Philip Shane is is an award winning documentary filmmaker currently working on The Myst Documentary.
  • Guy Sprung is an actor, director, and writer Myst fans know as Achenar from Myst IV.
Check out their full bios on our Special Guests page.
We’ll have more guests to announce in the coming weeks!

Last Call for Swag Orders

Reminder that swag orders are closing June 9. We will not be selling any swag during Mysterium, so if you want any, you must order it by Sunday.

Also note, there was a mistake on the swag page on our website. It mentioned the shirts are black. That was from copy-pasting the description from last year. The images on the page do show they are light blue but just to clarify in case that wasn’t clear.

Policy Update

There’s a small change to the Conduct section of our policies. Please take a look as it will apply during this year’s Mysterium.

More special guests and this year’s schedule will be announced soon!

Annacat and Dan,
Mysterium 2024 co-chairs


Hello all! We finally have the big announcement: registration is open for Mysterium 2024!


Registration is now open. Standard registration (admission to Mysterium) will be $25, and Premium (admission plus a 2024 t-shirt) will be $40. Since we are starting later than usual this year, online registration will be available at the same price up until the weekend of Mysterium. On-site registration will be available for $30.

Important Note: We will not be selling any swag on-site this year. All swag must be ordered by June 9.

See our Registration page for more information.

March/April Prompt Winners

For the March/April topic of “Memories” we had Talashar’s story “Autumn Winds”
The visual winner was again redwoodrroad with this excellent image:

a man so blinded by painful memories of the past, by pride and vengeful wrath, he failed to see the life he could lead in the present–
–and the life he could foster for the future.

There’s still plenty of time to submit content for the May/June topic of “Blooming”.

Special guests and schedule announcements coming soon!

Annacat and Dan,
Mysterium 2024 co-chairs


Hello again! We have an announcement about this year’s merch!

Merchandise Sales

Seeing as we will be in Canada this year, due to the logistical issues with Customs and taxes we have decided all merchandise sales will be pre-order only. We will not have a swag table during Mysterium and no items may be purchased during the convention. If you want a t-shirt and/or pins, order them before we close online sales.


We have two excellent designs for this year’s t-shirts. For the front, Kelly “Rayne” Coston provided “Astron”, a gorgeous Dream image from Serenia.
On the back, we have Drew’s transit map of Serenia aka Montreal.


This year we have three pin designs:

“How do I purchase these awesome items?” you ask. Well, we’ll be opening registration in the next few weeks, and we will include orders for pins and shirts there! We’ll make an announcement when it opens. Plan on late April or early May.

Annacat and Dan,
Mysterium 2024 co-chairs

2024 Hotel

Hello! We have another major announcement: the hotel for Mysterium 2024! Read on for more info.


Mysterium 2024 will be held at the Alt Hotel Quartier Dix30 in Brossard. Single and double queen rooms are available in our block, which can be booked directly through the hotel. The deadline for booking is June 11. After that date, the hotel may release unsold rooms to the general public. For information on the hotel, pricing, parking, and booking, see our Location page.

Last Call for Pins

Pin submissions are still open until March 31. If you want to get a design in you still have a week! See our Submissions page for details.
Event submissions are still open until May 12 as well.

February Prompt Winners

For February’s topic of “Ice”, we had Harley with The visual winner was redwoodrroad’s image of Rime:

Note: for the offseason, we are switching our prompts to bi-monthly, so March’s topic of “Memories” will still be up through the end of April.

More to announce soon, including registration and special guests!

Annacat and Dan,
Mysterium 2024 co-chairs