What To Know When You Get There

Greetings all!

With only a week to go until Mysterium 2018, we wanted to give you some last minute news, as well as a roundup of what to expect when you get to St. Louis.


If you are interested in attending the City Museum group excursion on Friday evening, please remember to register in advance. We will stop selling those tickets on Tuesday.

Also, don’t forget to submit your ideas for the Mysterium unconference. If you’ve ever had a Myst/Obduction/fandom topic you wanted to have a mini-discussion on with other people, now is the time to submit it!


Earlier this year we launched our official Mysterium Discord server. We have created a special channel for on-site communications (#mysterium-2018). We will post and pin any announcements there, and we encourage you to coordinate food and exploration with other attendees there too! This may be especially useful for anyone who arrives early or is staying in town after Sunday.

If you need to get the attention of Mysterium staff in a hurry, you can mention the “@Grand Master” group to notify us.

Policies & Reporting Problems

Please remember to review our policies and code of conduct before arriving at the convention. Copies will also be available at the registration desk. Remember that we have a zero tolerance policy for harassment of any kind.

If you witness any problems or feel you have been a victim of harassment, please find a Mysterium staff member and let us know. You can also private message one of us on Discord (Taniith, Odo, Capella, or m13), or use this page to submit a report: https://mysterium.net/harassment/.

Getting to the Hotel

Check out our Location page for info on how to get to the hotel. It includes directions from the airport, train/bus depots, and the highway. It also includes information on how to receive our negotiated rate for parking at the hotel.

We strongly encourage you to use public transit when possible, rather than renting a car. Our hotel is easily accessible via public transit, and details are available on the location page.

Once You Arrive

The convention will be in the Broadway Room at the hotel, starting on Friday morning:

  • From the lobby, walk past the front desk, pass through the grey double-doors, and follow that hallway to the back of the hotel.
  • From the parking garage, use the entrance closest to the parking structure, facing the convention center buildings.
  • From the hotel elevators, turn right and use the grey double-doors.

Our registration table will be located just inside of the doors to the Broadway Room, starting at 9:30 on Friday morning.

Breakfast is available in the restaurant off the lobby, near the revolving doors. There is no charge for the buffet if you are staying in our room-block at the hotel. As we are a large group, the hotel has informed us that we are free to use the high-top seating near the bar if necessary.

What to Wear

St. Louis is hot and sunny in the summer, so dress accordingly and remember to stay hydrated. There is also the chance of rain or intermittent thunderstorms, so you may want to pack an umbrella or rain coat. Your doctor would probably remind you to wear sunscreen when you go outside, too.

On the flip side, hotels tend to be cooler. So pack a sweater if you get cold easily!

What to Do!

You can find our schedule of activities on our schedule page. Unless otherwise noted, all activities will be located in the Broadway Room.

We have also put together a map of nearby food and attractions that may interest you. You can find it on the Location page. There are many food options within walking distance, along with a grocery store. While the hotel allows food delivery to the lobby, we remind you that food is not allowed inside the convention room.


If you follow us on social media, you may have seen us teasing our con-swag over the past few days. Every attendee will receive a full set of these 3 pins, exclusive to Mysterium 2018. We will also have extras on sale for $2.50 each.

Before anyone asks, unfortunately we cannot sell these online and ship them to people. They will only be available on-site at the convention. If you can’t make it this year, ask a friend at the con to buy you some!

That’s all for today. We hope this post is helpful as you plan your trip. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

We look forward to seeing all of you next week!

-Mysterium 2018 PR Team

Hotel Reservation Reminder and Schedule Updates

Greetings Everyone,

As Mysterium 2018 continues to approach, we wanted to share a few reminders and updates with you all.

Hotel Reservation Deadlines

Our exclusive room rate is available for booking and extension until July 4th, which is only two weeks away! Visit the Location page for booking instructions.

Please Note: When making your initial reservation, you will only be able to select a check-in as early as Friday, August 3rd and check-out as late as Monday, August 6th. If you will be staying beyond these dates, please complete this form after making your “base” reservation to request a check-in as early as Wednesday, August 1st or check-out as late as Wednesday, August 7th at our group rate. We understand this is a frustrating limitation of the booking process, but we hope the form will make this process as seamless as possible. When we have confirmed that your reservation has been extended, we will notify you via email. The change will also be reflected in your reservation confirmation details on the Holiday Inn website.

Schedule Updates

We have finalized our schedule for this year. While there is potential for unforeseen changes to occur, we are confident enough to call this finalized. Head on over to our Schedule page to have a look. You’ll find some adjustments and a new event since we posted our draft a few weeks ago.

Mysterium Unconference Topic Submissions

This year sees the return of the Mysterium Unconference, our freeform discussion groups about anything and everything. In the past two years, we’ve had some fantastic conversations about Mystunderstood Villains, D’ni Infrastructure and Transportation, the Myst/Obduction Shared Universe, and more. However, we’ve all found it hard to come up with topics on the spot.

To help facilitate the event this year, we invite fans to submit discussion topics ahead of the convention. Do you have any burning topics or theories you want to discuss? If so, please submit them using this form. Even if you are unable to attend this year, you’re welcome to submit your ideas. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!


That’s about all we have for you this week. Have any questions? Looking for Room and Ride share discussions? Or just want to share your excitement for the convention? Be sure to join our Discord server or connect with us on social media.

– Mysterium 2018 PR Team

Two Months to Mysterium!

Hello Everyone!

Can you believe that Mysterium 2018 is only two months away? The committee has been hard at work bringing everything together for a fantastic convention in St. Louis. In the spirit of “two months,” we present: “Two Months to Mysterium: Too Many Updates to Handle.”


Next Friday, June 8th, marks the close of event submissions and Early-Bird and T-Shirt Registrations! If you haven’t yet registered, head over to our Registration page and sign up today! After June 8th, t-shirts will no longer be available to pre-order and all admission prices will increase by $5. Online registration will continue to be available at full price until July 20th.

Additionally, we are still accepting event submissions until June 8th. If you have an idea for an activity, panel, or other event that you’d like to either host or see hosted, head over to the Events page and submit your ideas.

Schedule Updates

In past years, we have relied on Guidebook to provide detailed event schedules to attendees. This year, thanks to our newly redesigned website, we can offer detailed schedule information from one central location and publish a preliminary schedule for everyone to see far earlier than we could previously. If you’re hoping to see more of what we’re planning this year before you buy that Early-Bird Registration, head over to the Schedule page to see our draft schedule. We also have a few exciting schedule announcements to share!

Exclusive Myst Documentary Sneak Peak

Philip Shane, the documentary filmmaker behind Being ElmoEinstein, and many other films will be providing an exclusive look into his current project, The Myst Documentary. If you attended Mysterium last year, you may have met or been interviewed by Philip. We are delighted to receive the opportunity to learn more about his filmmaking process and have an exclusive look at some of his raw footage.

Please note that we are unable to stream or record this footage. You can only see it if you attend Mysterium!

Mysterium Excursion: City Museum

We are planning a group trip to the City Museum, an exciting, hands-on, indoor/outdoor exploratory experience just a few blocks away from our hotel. Inside the museum, you’ll find caves, slides, walkways, and tunnels that carry you around the building and over the streets. Tickets must be purchased in advanced via our Registration page to receive the group rate.

Hotel Updates

As a reminder, our exclusive room rate is available for booking at our hotel until July 4th. Visit the Location page for booking instructions.

Please Note: When making your initial reservation, you will only be able to select a check-in as early as Friday, August 3rd and check-out as late as Monday, August 6th. If you will be staying beyond these dates, please complete this form after making your “base” reservation to request a check-in as early as Wednesday, August 1st or check-out as late as Wednesday, August 7th at our group rate. We understand this is a frustrating limitation of the booking process, but we hope the form will make this process as seamless as possible. When we have confirmed that your reservation has been extended, we will notify you via email. The change will also be reflected in your reservation confirmation details on the Holiday Inn website.


We can’t wait to see you all this August! Have any questions? Looking for Room and Ride share discussions? Or just want to share your excitement for the convention? Be sure to join our Discord server or connect with us on social media.

– Mysterium 2018 PR Team

April Updates

Hello Everyone!

We’ve had some exciting announcements in the Myst community that will make for some exciting buzz at this year’s Mysterium. If you haven’t already seen the news, Cyan announced the Myst 25th Anniversary Collection on Kickstarter. Our amazing community fully funded the project within eight hours and is rapidly approaching 4x the original goal. The Collection includes some impressive and unique backer rewards, so if you haven’t yet seen the project or backed it, follow the link above and take a look.

We have some additional updates and reminders for this year’s Mysterium as well, so let’s dive in:

Early-Bird Registration and t-shirts are still available. If you missed our t-shirt announcement, head over to our T-Shirt Page to learn more about this year’s design. We’ve also added a sizing chart. When you’re ready to register, head on over to the Registration Page to get started. Be sure to visit the Location Page for more information about our hotel and how to make reservations.

As always, Mysterium wouldn’t be what it is today without our fans. If you have an idea for an event you would like to see or host, we’d love to hear about it! We’ve received some excellent ideas so far, but we’re always looking for more. Take a look at the Events Page to learn more and submit your ideas. We’re happy to work with you to make your idea a reality!

All of us on the Mysterium Committee can’t wait to see everyone this year. We have some fantastic ideas in the works and can’t wait for August to arrive. Mysterium is approaching fast and furious, so be sure to check out the Mysterium Discord server to connect with fellow fans, attendees, and staff. You’ll find this year’s room and ride share discussions there and might also be able to find a fellow fan to host an event with.

— Mysterium PR Team

March Reminders

Hi all!

This is just a quick reminder that events submissions are currently open. If you have an idea for a fun presentation, a group activity, or anything else, please submit it! You don’t necessarily have to run it, either. We’re always interested to hear new ideas of all kinds.

Also, a reminder that registration and hotel reservations are now open. You can find that information here.

Finally, a reminder that we recently launched a Mysterium Discord server. This is a great place to find someone to share a hotel room, to discuss and flesh out an event idea you might have, or just to nerd out with other Myst and Cyan fans. We hope you’ll join the fun!
