
Hello again! This will be a bit of a long one since we have quite a lot to announce.

Special Guests

We have another round of guests to announce. Numinous Games are the developers of Area Man Lives, published by Cyan Ventures and released this spring. We also have several members of the ongoing development team for Uru/MOULa and an additional member of the Myst Documentary team.
  • ametist first started building ages for MOULa in 2008
  • Elana Bell Bogdan created the soon-to-be-revealed “Vault of Stories” for the Myst Documentary
  • Colin “Maccodemonkey” Cornaby is currently focused on bringing Uru to the Mac
  • Patrick “Doobes” Dulebohn has been creating content for Uru since 2007
  • Amy Noel Green has created games with Numinous including That Dragon, Cancer and Area Man Lives
  • Ryan Green is the Creative Director and Head of Narrative for Numinous Games
  • Harley “Calum Traveler” is a writer, artist, and tester for MOULa
  • Adam “Hoikas” Johnson is a developer on the open-source Uru client
  • Keith “Tweek” Lord works on Age development and helps support other developers in MOULa
  • Mike Perrotto is a software developer and producer for Numinous Games
  • Darryl “Paradox” Pogue is a software developer for Uru
  • Paul “rarified” Richards is a fan content coordinator for MOULa
Again, full bios can be found on our Special Guests page, and we’re still not quite done announcing guests.


Here’s the big announcement: the schedule for Mysterium 2022 is now live on the website! Check it out on our Schedule page. We are still finalizing one or two events so it will likely change in the next few weeks, but most of it is ready to go.

June Community Prompt

Once again we received some great submissions, this time for the topic of “Resilience”, and our winner is Harley “Calum Traveler” for the Narayani word “resilience” in pride flags.
Narayan Resilience Pride Flag

Social Buttons

Do you like warm hugs? Not quite into all the unknown people around you? Or maybe people should just ask what would be the next right thing for you? We’re providing social buttons this year to let everyone know your comfort level! They’ll be available all weekend in the con room.
  • Yes button – I’m comfortable with conversations, come on up and talk to me!
  • Ask button – I’m unsure about my comfort level. Please ask before approaching me.
  • No button – I’m not comfortable with conversations. Please give me space.
Social Buttons
Feel free to swap out buttons whenever you feel you need to! We also ask that you please be respectful in regards to these social buttons. Don’t harass other people for wearing them. Be a kind human.

Writing & Artwork Table Submissions

Just a quick reminder that submissions for the writing & artwork table are open through July 31. Check out our Submissions page for details.


Registration is still open through August 1. After that date, online registration will close. We will sell admission at the door starting Friday morning, but the early badge pickup on Thursday will only be available to those who purchased their badge online.

Hotel Booking Deadline

If you plan to stay at the official Mysterium hotel this year, the Holiday Inn Denver East, you only have a few days left to book a room at the Mysterium rate. After July 19 there will be no guarantee of availability as any remaining rooms in the block may be released to the public. See our Location page for more information.

OK if you made it through that whole thing, thank you for reading. We’ll have more guests, as well as information on the hotel shuttle and parking, soon.

Mysterium 2022 Chair


Happy Spring! We finally have a big announcement several people have asked about: we have a hotel set for this year!


First, the big news: we have signed a hotel contract, so you can start booking rooms! Our hotel this year is the Holiday Inn Denver East in the Central Park neighborhood, east of downtown Denver. The Mysterium rate, which includes free parking, will be $121/night. The discounted rate will be available until July 20. See all the details on our Location page.


An important announcement from Quabitat for Squeemanity Director Kelly “Rayne” Coston:

Is your home feeling like it’s missing something? Maybe you need a friend? Well, you’re in luck! Due to a sudden uptick in the squee and quab population from one of Atrus’ breeding experiments that went awry, Quabitat for Squeemanity has a nice variety of pets for you to adopt! Here at Quabitat for Squeemanity, we care about the safety and happiness of your pet. So if you stop by and adopt a pet today, we’ll throw in a free, customizable habitat! That’s right! It’s free. You get to choose the patterns of the walls and floor of your pet’s new home and supply it with a plethora of decorations, customized for the optimum happiness for your pet. So stop by today and adopt a quab or squee!

Family Feud

A common thread in recent surveys has been that people like having interactive events. With that, we’re planning a Family Feud style game show for this year’s convention. However, if you’re familiar with the show, you’ll know we need survey responses. If you have a few minutes, please fill out the questions here (there are no wrong answers!). You don’t have to answer all questions, but the more responses we get the better it will be, so try to fill out any you can come up with an answer for.

Activity Book Submissions

A reminder that we’re still taking submissions for this year’s activity book. Additionally, after checking publishing needs, we have decided to extend the deadline a month to May 22. This is the same date as the deadline for event submissions. See our Submissions page for more information.

Until next time,
Mysterium 2022 Chair

Hotel Booking Now Live

Hello everyone! We hope you’re all having a promising start to the new year. Let’s kick things off with some announcements.

Hotel Booking

Hotel room booking is now available at our selected venue, the Westin Alexandria Old Town. Rooms are available for $100/night with included wireless internet and discounted parking. For more information about the hotel and the booking link, please head to our Location page.

Mysterium 2022 Location Bids

Mysterium is made possible by local efforts every year. Want us to visit your favorite city? Send us a location bid! Bids for Mysterium 2022 will be accepted through April 1st, 2021. For more information, including sample bids from previous years, visit our Location Bidding page.

Rollover Registration Update

Rollover registration emails were sent in early December. If you have questions, or did not receive one, please feel free to contact us through our Contact page.


Thank you all for joining us as we start 2021. We look forward to bringing you more exciting announcements over the coming months.

– The Mysterium 2021 Triumvirate: Capella, Dan, and Drew

Mysterium 2020 Registration and Hotel Reservations Now Open!

Happy March everyone!

We are excited to announce that registration and hotel reservations are now open! As is tradition, with registration also comes the announcement of this year’s t-shirt design. We’re so excited to share what the community created this year, so let’s get right to it.


In the front of this year’s shirt, we have a depiction of the Jefferson Memorial superimposed on the Tomahna book vault. This eye-catching design was created by Katherine “Squee” White.

Shirt front logo closeup and photo of shirt with logo on model

On the back, we have a stunning depiction of Spire and Haven designed by none other than Claire “Shoom’lah” Hummel.

Closeup photo of the rear shirt design with photo of shirt and logo on model

We’re so excited to have both of these designs for our shirts this year. For more information, please see our T-Shirts page. We’d like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who submitted T-shirt artwork this year. Even if your design was not selected, we hope to feature your work elsewhere during Mysterium.


This year, Mysterium will take place at the Westin Alexandria Old Town in Alexandria, VA. Located just a few minutes walk from Alexandria and King Street stations, this hotel offers easy access to downtown Alexandria and Washington, D.C. proper. We’ve secured a rate of $100/night for both single and double rooms.

For more information about our hotel, including links to make your reservation, visit our updated Location page.


Mysterium 2020 registration is now open! From now until May 31st, you can purchase a weekend registration for $25, or a premium registration (weekend + shirt) for $40. That’s a $5 discount off of the individual items! Starting June 1st, the price will increase and shirts will not be available for pre-order.

We have once again included a space for you to indicate your pronouns on your badge, should you wish. Read more and register today over on our Registration page.


As a reminder, we are still accepting submissions for events, enamel pins, activity book pages, as well as writing and artwork. The deadline for pin design submissions is right around the corner on March 15th, so be sure to send your ideas in. All information about submissions can be found on the Submissions page.

New Submission Rights Policy

With Cyan’s help, we have written a new licensing/copyright policy for all submitted works (logos, pin designs, etc). Previously, all works submitted to Mysterium became the property of Cyan Worlds Inc. Going forward you will retain copyright of your own work, but grant Cyan and FMG/Mysterium a perpetual license to it. For the complete details and legalese, see the Submissions section on our Policies page. This applies immediately to all future submissions, and retroactively to all pin design and activity book submissions for Mysterium 2020.

It’s hard to believe that Mysterium is just around the corner! We’ll have more updates for you all soon.

Mysterium 2020 Triumvirate: Capella, Drew, and Dan

Hotel Reservation Reminder and Schedule Updates

Greetings Everyone,

As Mysterium 2018 continues to approach, we wanted to share a few reminders and updates with you all.

Hotel Reservation Deadlines

Our exclusive room rate is available for booking and extension until July 4th, which is only two weeks away! Visit the Location page for booking instructions.

Please Note: When making your initial reservation, you will only be able to select a check-in as early as Friday, August 3rd and check-out as late as Monday, August 6th. If you will be staying beyond these dates, please complete this form after making your “base” reservation to request a check-in as early as Wednesday, August 1st or check-out as late as Wednesday, August 7th at our group rate. We understand this is a frustrating limitation of the booking process, but we hope the form will make this process as seamless as possible. When we have confirmed that your reservation has been extended, we will notify you via email. The change will also be reflected in your reservation confirmation details on the Holiday Inn website.

Schedule Updates

We have finalized our schedule for this year. While there is potential for unforeseen changes to occur, we are confident enough to call this finalized. Head on over to our Schedule page to have a look. You’ll find some adjustments and a new event since we posted our draft a few weeks ago.

Mysterium Unconference Topic Submissions

This year sees the return of the Mysterium Unconference, our freeform discussion groups about anything and everything. In the past two years, we’ve had some fantastic conversations about Mystunderstood Villains, D’ni Infrastructure and Transportation, the Myst/Obduction Shared Universe, and more. However, we’ve all found it hard to come up with topics on the spot.

To help facilitate the event this year, we invite fans to submit discussion topics ahead of the convention. Do you have any burning topics or theories you want to discuss? If so, please submit them using this form. Even if you are unable to attend this year, you’re welcome to submit your ideas. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!


That’s about all we have for you this week. Have any questions? Looking for Room and Ride share discussions? Or just want to share your excitement for the convention? Be sure to join our Discord server or connect with us on social media.

– Mysterium 2018 PR Team