Mysterium 2012: T – 47 Days

Shorah Everybah’ro*!

Are you ready for some news? Really? You are? Well then, here it comes!


We have chosen a logo! We’re reworking colors a little for the shirts, but here’s pretty much what they look like (the thumbnails got cutoff, but click to see the large versions):

The back

The Front

Both logos were made by the talented Matthew Schneider, so congrats to him! We also want to thank Paul Veloz, whose logos *almost* won.

Deadline Reminders

Deadlines are fast approaching!

  • Hotel reservations close July 2. After this date, you won’t be able to get the conference rate
  • Pre-registration closes July 1. After this rate, T-shirts will no longer be available and registration will no longer include a swag bag
  • Convention Book submissions close June 23. If we don’t get enough by then, we won’t be able to print a con-book, so get submitting if you’ve been putting it off!


People have been asking about the schedule lately. While we don’t have a final schedule (and likely wont for a while yet), I’ve posted the preliminary version here for you to peruse.

Future of Mysterium Survey

You may have seen my little media blitz last week about this post. I’m still soliciting feedback there, but several people have said they would be interested in helping to run Mysterium. So, I’ve put together a little survey on that topic. If you are interested in helping to run Mysterium in the future, please take a couple minutes to fill it out.


Eleri is working on filling out the travel section with local info about the hotel area and downtown Seattle. In the meantime, here’s a map she threw together of various key points around the hotel.

As always, please feel free to contact us with any questions/comments/complaints/complements/recipes/world domination plans/etc.

To the honor of our Tubers,

Elliot ‘Taniith’ Borenstein – FMG Chair

*This is the new Myst fandom way of saying ‘Everybody’.. it was either that or I keep saying ‘Everypony’ ;D

Posted in Events, Mysterium 2012, News, Publications, Registration.