Travel Info, Room Sharing, & More

Greetings All,

I have a handful of things to share with you today.

Registration, Shirts, and Hotel Rooms

Early bird registration has ended, which means that t-shirt pre-orders have also ended. You can still register online until July 24th. There will be a limited supply of t-shirts available for purchase on-site, for those that missed the cutoff date.

On a related note, when I last spoke to the hotel on Monday, we were within two rooms of hitting our initial room-block reservation. I don’t know how much space the hotel has available beyond that, so I would recommend booking your hotel rooms soon, if you haven already done so.

Travel Info

We have added a page that explains several options for getting to the Mysterium hotel from various starting locations. You can check it out here. That leads into…

Room & Ride Share Forums

The forums have returned (after a bit of database wrangling)! You can use the forums to find roommates to lower the cost of a hotel room, and for coordinating ride sharing on the way to the convention. I’ve pinned a post to the top of each sub-forum with directions on how to get the most out of them.

Submission Reminders

A few quick reminders:

If you were planning to submit an event/panel idea, now is the time! Submissions close at the end of this week, on June 19th. You can get all the details here.

Paper People submissions are still open. You can get the details from this post.

Finally, we are still looking for some kind souls to donate items for prizes. If you have any ideas, please drop us a line at

The End

We’re getting very close now! Under two months to go. Next time, I hope to have a little teaser of something we’ve code named Escape the Age to show you. But until then,

-Taniith, Mysterium 2015 Chair

T-Shirt Sales Closing

This is just a quick reminder that T-Shirt sales close tomorrow. At the same time, pre-reg prices will increase. So if you haven’t put in your order yet, now is the time!

As always, you can find registration details here:


Registration and Event Submissions Now Open!

Shorah friends,

Welcome to 2015! I hope everyone out there had a good new year. It is currently quite cold (and slightly snowy) in Boston, but I’m pretty sure all of that will clear up sometime in the 7 months before Mysterium.

But until it does, here’s some news!


Pre-Registration for Mysterium 2015 is now OPEN! You can check out all of the details here.

We are trying out a tiered pricing structure this year. Right now, you can get our early-bird pricing. Prices will increase in mid-June, so be sure to register early. The sooner we know how many people are coming, the easier it is to plan the rest of the convention.

Event Submissions

Mysterium is nothing without interesting panels and fun contests: Heek tournaments, marker missions, D’ni clocks, language lessons – over the years, we’ve had some awesome events. This year, attendees will even get to see an exclusive sneak-peek of Obduction, courtesy of Cyan!

But we can’t do it all without you! Do you have an idea for a fun panel, activity, contest, or anything else? If so, we want to hear about it! You can get all the details about event submissions over at our events page.

Hotel, T-shirts, and other things

Over the weekend, a group of us made a site visit to a hotel that looks very promising. We can’t give you the full details until the contracts are all signed, but we’re optimistic it should all be settled in the next week or two. Room pricing should be on par with our normal rates (~$105-110/night for 2 beds). We’ll let you know when we have everything settled.

Similarly, we are almost ready to announce our T-shirt logos, but not quite yet. We’re waiting on some small revisions from the two artists before posting them. But trust us, they are going to be *awesome*.

Finally, we’ll be opening conbook submissions very soon. So start getting your submissions ready, be they artwork, stories, articles, poetry, recipes, papercrafts, or whatever else you can think of!


To the Honor of Our Tubers,
-Taniith, Mysterium 2015 chair

Registration and Event Reminders

Hello again, everyone. It’s officially summer, and Mysterium is fast approaching! We’ve got a couple of timely reminders for you today.

First, the last day for online registration and t-shirt pre-orders is July 4th. That’s only two weeks away! If you plan to attend, please register online so that we can get an accurate estimate of attendance numbers. If you plan on buying a Mysterium t-shirt, we strongly encourage you to do so either by pre-ordering one to pick up at the convention, or by using our Square Market store to buy one that can be shipped to you. Order for shirts through our Square store will also close after July 4th, so get your orders in now!

Second, the deadline for event submissions is June 30th. If you’ll be at Mysterium and you have an idea for a panel discussion, presentation, display, or activity that you’re interested in running, please let us know! Head over to, be sure to read the event guidelines, and fill out the form at the bottom of the page.

We’re so excited about this year’s Mysterium, and we can’t wait to see you all in Spokane. Shorah b’shemtee!