Mysterium 2025: Buckhead Edition

Hello everyone!

First, thank you all for your t-shirt and pin submissions. We can’t wait to make our selections!

Now, it’s time for the announcement you’ve all been eagerly awaiting…

Hotel and Location

We are excited to announce that Mysterium 2025 will be held just north of Downtown Atlanta at the Hilton Garden Inn Atlanta Buckhead! We have negotiated a rate of $129/night with complimentary breakfast and discounted parking included. Both single and double rooms are available.

Rooms must be booked via our group link by July 9th. After this date, rooms may be released back to the public and the above price is no longer guaranteed.

Please visit our Location page for full information on the venue and how to book.

If you have any questions or issues during booking that are not addressed on the Location page, please let us know on Discord.

Event Submissions

As a reminder, we are accepting event submissions through April 30th. If there’s something you’d like to run or see at Mysterium this year, please take a look.


We thank you for your patience and cannot wait to see you all. For now, we’ll leave you with… something to pique your curiosity.

Blurry photo showing a blue and purple stained glass like item in front of a background of trees

Curator and Drew
Mysterium 2025 Co-Chairs

2024 Hotel

Hello! We have another major announcement: the hotel for Mysterium 2024! Read on for more info.


Mysterium 2024 will be held at the Alt Hotel Quartier Dix30 in Brossard. Single and double queen rooms are available in our block, which can be booked directly through the hotel. The deadline for booking is June 11. After that date, the hotel may release unsold rooms to the general public. For information on the hotel, pricing, parking, and booking, see our Location page.

Last Call for Pins

Pin submissions are still open until March 31. If you want to get a design in you still have a week! See our Submissions page for details.
Event submissions are still open until May 12 as well.

February Prompt Winners

For February’s topic of “Ice”, we had Harley with The visual winner was redwoodrroad’s image of Rime:

Note: for the offseason, we are switching our prompts to bi-monthly, so March’s topic of “Memories” will still be up through the end of April.

More to announce soon, including registration and special guests!

Annacat and Dan,
Mysterium 2024 co-chairs

It’s Beginning to Looks A Lot Like Mysterium…

Everywhere you go…

Mysterium is coming up quickly and there are a few important things we need to share with you.

Registration Cap

First, registration is capped at 250 people this year. We are approaching that number now, so if you intend to come but have not yet registered, now is the time! All of the information regarding registration can be found here. If you know you are no longer able to attend, please reach out to us so we can account for you and avoid turning any more people away than we need to.

Hotel Deadline

The deadline for the hotel is very soon. If you do not have a room booked by May 28th, you will not be able to get a room in our room block or at our special Mysterium rate. There may be other rooms in the hotel available, however we cannot offer nor guarantee any special pricing for those rooms. If there are any issues with availability of the room type you are looking for before the deadline, please reach out to Odo to see if any more rooms of that type are available.

Again, the deadline is May 28th. There are no exceptions to this deadline.

Swag Deadline

The swag deadline is June 3rd. While there will be a limited number of swag items available to purchase at the registration desk, it will be first come, first served basis.

If you’re interested in placing an order for items ahead of time with your registration, please do so before June 3rd.

Listening Aids Update

Due to lack of interest, we’ve decided to not rent the listening aid devices this year.

On-Site Activities 101

We put together a great page that talks about all the fun stuff that will be available for you to do on-site at Mysterium this year! Check out the full list on this page!

April Prompt Winner

The April Prompt (“You Fool!”) winner is redwoodroad, for their drawing of Achenar, Sirrus and Yeesha playing a prank on Gehn. Congratulations!

It’s Gonna Be May!

Shorah Everyone!

Mysterium is only two months away (cue the screaming here) and we of the committee are excited to see all of you come June 30th! That being said, we have a couple of reminders for you!


  • Book your hotel room before the closing date on May 28th. If you reserve your room after that date, the code for the rooms will no longer work and you’ll have to pay the full hotel price. Reservations for the rooms can be found here. Any further information about the hotel can be found on our location page of our website.
  • Our cut-off date for swag is June 3rd! Any orders not finalized by this date will be unavailable. There will be a limited number of swag items at the registration table available for purchase on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Online Registration ends on June 16th. While we will allow walk-in registration at the door for 50$, we ask that you register before the deadline so that we can get an accurate head count for Cyan.

Which brings us to our next point…

Assisted Listening

This year, for the first time, Mysterium will be renting and offering assistive listening technology. We will be using Williams Sound PPA 457 Personal Assistive Listening System, so if you require one of these, please contact the committee through the email ASAP (by no later than June 1st) so we can compile a headcount for the use of these. During the convention, please check in at the registration desk to pick yours up, but bear in mind that we will be requiring either a deposit or a form of collateral from you.

May’s Creative Prompt

And lastly, our Prompt for May is: Spring. (Give us all the plays on words, all the puns you can think of. No holds barred pun challenge is a go!)

We’ll be coming back to you soon with more information on a schedule, our final headcount, and any other important information, so be on the lookout.

Until then,
m13, Co-Chair of Mysterium 2023

Rocky Mountain High

Hello! Mysterium is only a week away, and we’re looking forward to seeing you all in Denver!

Special Guests

We have a final set of guests to announce from Cyan, The Myst Documentary, and Myst IV: Revelation.
  • Eric Anderson has been with Cyan for several years, contributing to Uru, Myst V, and Obduction.
  • Rand Miller co-founded Cyan and brought us Myst, Obduction, and all the other Cyan titles that are the very reason for this convention’s existence.
  • Joshua Reinstein is an editor and researcher for The Myst Documentary.
  • Guy Sprung is an accomplished thespian, but Myst fans should know him as Achenar from Myst IV: Revelation.

Hotel & Transportation

As mentioned previously, parking at the hotel will be free. If you are local and only parking for the day, you will not have to pay for parking unless you leave your car at the hotel overnight. For anyone staying at the hotel, if you booked at the Mysterium rate, your parking will automatically be comped.
The hotel offers a shuttle to provide transportation within a 2-mile radius. This includes the Central Park A Line station. It runs 6 AM to 11 PM. When you need a pickup, call the hotel at 303-321-3500.
For more information, see our Location page.

Cyan Q&A

A quick reminder that the Cyan Q&A will not be accepting live questions during Mysterium. If you have a question you’d like the team from Cyan to answer, submit it by August 7 via this form.

Writing & Artwork Table

The deadline for submitting entries to the writing and artwork table has passed; however, if you have a late submission you would like to display, please bring it to Denver and we’d be happy to feature it on the table.

July Community Prompt

We had some excellent submissions in July, but we particularly want to feature Talashar’s story “Future Motion”:

I am very much looking forward to meeting you all in person next week!

Mysterium 2022 Chair