Big Chicken: Shirt Edition

Happy Friday, everyone!

We are excited to unveil this year’s shirt and pin designs! Thank you to everyone who submitted artwork. We received several wonderful pin designs this year. It’s a shame we couldn’t pick them all!

All merchandise will be available to order with your registration once that opens within the next few weeks. While pre-orders are highly encouraged, we will once again be able to sell additional items in-person this year.


Front Design

Mockup of a woman wearing a dark green t-shirt with the Mysterium 2025 design on front. The design features a Bahro holding a stone tablet. The stone tablet corner designs have been replaced with the letters A, T, L, and the number 25 in D'ni. A piranha chicken stands next to the Bahro.
The front design, by Kelly “Rayne” Coston, features a Bahro holding the Tablet, adorned with the number 25 and ATL, and a Piranha Chicken.

Back Design

Mockup showing the back of a dark green t-shirt worn on a man. It depicts line art of the Marietta, GA KFC Big Chicken surrounded by stick figures in worship. Gehn is shown on the right, raising his arms as if praising the chicken or confused.
The back design, by Curator, depicts the Marietta, GA KFC Big Chicken. Gehn seemingly cannot understand why everyone is praising it instead of him…


We are very excited to offer a set of three pins this year:

Perhaps we’ll have even more to share soon…

Submission Reminders

As a reminder, event submissions are open until April 30th. Additionally, if you are working on a 2026 Location Bid, be aware that those are due no later than April 1st.

Creativity Prompts

For January/February’s topic, “Rime,” TeaL submitted this gorgeous visual interpretation:

Illustration of the Rime age from Myst

We are accepting pieces for our current prompt, “Thawing,” through the end of April on Discord.


That’ll do it for today. Stay tuned for our upcoming registration announcement.

Curator and Drew
Mysterium 2025 Co-Chairs

All Aboard to Atlanta!

Hello everyone!

We are extremely excited to be bringing Mysterium to Atlanta in 2025. Planning is underway, and we have a lot in store for you all.

2025 Theme Announcement

We’re going big this year. With 2025 being the 20th anniversary of Myst V: End of Ages, we’ve decided to make our theme… Myst V: End of Ages!

We hope this encourages you to find an opportunity to revisit and reflect on the game itself. As for submissions, we think this will allow you to find ample chances for creativity (though The Committee certainly won’t frown on anything piranha chicken related).

Open Submissions

On that note, we are excited to announce that t-shirt and pin design submissions are now open through February 26th, 2025. To learn more, head over to our 2025 Submissions Hub. As always, designs incorporating elements from our theme, Myst V, and the host city are favored.

Downloadables Update

By popular demand, the 2024 Puzzle and Coloring Packets are now available for download! Bring a bit of Mysterium home with you by heading over to our Downloadables page.

July Creativity Prompt Winner

The honor of July’s Creativity Prompt title goes to Harley for their written work, “O, Serenia.” The prompt was Serenia.

Only a few days remain to submit entries for our August prompt, Revelation.


That should do it for now. Please stay tuned for more announcements in the coming weeks!

Curator and Drew
Mysterium 2025 Co-Chairs

Special Guests

We’re excited to announce our first few special guests for this year’s Mysterium!

Special Guests

This year we’ll have some guests from Myst IV: Revelation. The first we’re ready to announce are:
  • Meinert Hansen is an illustrator who served as the art director for Myst IV.
  • Katie “Kha’tie” Postma is a long-time member of the Mysterium family and the Social Media Manager for The Myst Documentary.
  • Joshua Reinstein is an editor and researcher for The Myst Documentary.
  • Philip Shane is is an award winning documentary filmmaker currently working on The Myst Documentary.
  • Guy Sprung is an actor, director, and writer Myst fans know as Achenar from Myst IV.
Check out their full bios on our Special Guests page.
We’ll have more guests to announce in the coming weeks!

Last Call for Swag Orders

Reminder that swag orders are closing June 9. We will not be selling any swag during Mysterium, so if you want any, you must order it by Sunday.

Also note, there was a mistake on the swag page on our website. It mentioned the shirts are black. That was from copy-pasting the description from last year. The images on the page do show they are light blue but just to clarify in case that wasn’t clear.

Policy Update

There’s a small change to the Conduct section of our policies. Please take a look as it will apply during this year’s Mysterium.

More special guests and this year’s schedule will be announced soon!

Annacat and Dan,
Mysterium 2024 co-chairs


Hello again! We have an announcement about this year’s merch!

Merchandise Sales

Seeing as we will be in Canada this year, due to the logistical issues with Customs and taxes we have decided all merchandise sales will be pre-order only. We will not have a swag table during Mysterium and no items may be purchased during the convention. If you want a t-shirt and/or pins, order them before we close online sales.


We have two excellent designs for this year’s t-shirts. For the front, Kelly “Rayne” Coston provided “Astron”, a gorgeous Dream image from Serenia.
On the back, we have Drew’s transit map of Serenia aka Montreal.


This year we have three pin designs:

“How do I purchase these awesome items?” you ask. Well, we’ll be opening registration in the next few weeks, and we will include orders for pins and shirts there! We’ll make an announcement when it opens. Plan on late April or early May.

Annacat and Dan,
Mysterium 2024 co-chairs


Happy March! As you might have guessed, we have chosen t-shirt designs for this year.


As a change this year, we’re putting the multi-color design on the front, depicting the floating electromagnetic chamber in Voltaic, by Claire “Shoom’lah” Hummel.

The back will be printed near the neck of the shirt, and calumTraveler’s design shows the falling man being thrown from Blucifer, Denver International Airport’s famous piece of art.

For more information, see our T-Shirts page.
We received several excellent submissions, and we could only choose two, so if your design wasn’t chosen, we’d love to use it elsewhere during this year’s event.

John Keston

On a more somber note, you may be aware we lost our Gehn, John Keston, last month. Reaching the age of 97, he certainly got quite a bit out of life. At 76, he set a world record for his age group in the Portland Marathon. He continued running into his 90s, and to date still holds multiple US records for over-75 runners. Mysterium and the Myst community will always remember him, and our thoughts go out to his family. You can read his obituary in the Minnesota Star Tribune here.

February Community Prompt

It’s time to announce another community prompt winner. This time, Kelly “Rayne” Coston provided this beautiful Voltaic stained glass design. As always, you can check hers and others’ submissions on our Discord server.

Voltaic Stained Glass

Submission Reminder

We may be done with t-shirts, but submissions are still open for the activity book, events, and the writing and artwork table. See our Submissions page for details.

That was a fairly long one! We’ll have some additional announcements, including information about this year’s hotel, soon.

Mysterium 2022 Chair