T-Shirts Update & Reminders

Shorah everyone,

Well, we were hoping to be able to announce our t-shirt logo today. Unfortunately, while we did receive a couple of poster art submissions from the art contest, we didn’t get any shirt logos. We have a volunteer working on one, but it’ll be a couple weeks before we can announce it. We’ll let you know what the shirts will look like as soon as we can! In the meantime, you can pre-order your shirts and register for the convention here.

Also, a reminder that Events and Conbook submissions are open until June 9th. As of today, we’ve only received a few event submissions, and no conbook submissions. As always, we’re entirely volunteer and community run, so we really rely on you all to help us make Mysterium a success. If you have an idea for a cool event, we can help make it happen! But you need to submit it. Similarly, if you have friends who make Myst or Obduction art, or fan fiction, or anything of that nature, please consider sending them the conbook link.

We can’t do it without you, so get those submissions in!

Mysterium Co-Chairs

Logos and Conbooks and Travel, Oh My!

We have a bunch of info for you today, so I’ll jump right into it:


We are happy to announce our selection for T-shirt logos. We got a number of great submissions this year, and we want to thank everyone who submitted. The logos for the shirt this year were made by Claire Hummel (aka Shoom’lah):





You can get more info about the shirts, including how attendees can purchase them, here: http://www.mysterium.net/mysterium-2016-t-shirts/

In addition to those two, there were two other submissions that we have some non-shirt ideas for. The first is from Zib Redlektab:


Zib’s gonna zib.

And the second is from Robert Barnett:


Wouldn’t this be a great poster? Or post card?

Travel Info

We are still finalizing hotel details, but we’ve prepared information about getting to and around Salt Lake City. You can find that here: http://www.mysterium.net/location/. That page will be updated over time, so be sure to check back again closer to the convention.

Convention Books

As always, we will have a souvenir convention book for attendees who buy an early-bird registration this year. The conbook is a showcase of the amazing creativity of the fandom. If you write, or paint, or knit, or do anything other creative work related to Myst and Cyan’s other games, please share it with the rest of us! Conbook submissions will be taken until April 29th. You can find out more details about how to submit here: http://www.mysterium.net/convention-book/

Until next time!

Mysterium 2016 PR Bah’ro

Logo Contest Winners

Two posts in one week! What ever are we thinking?

Today, I’m excited to share the winners of our logo contest. We got several awesome entries, and I want to thank everyone who took the time to submit a logo. We couldn’t do this without you!


First up, we have the logo for the front of the shirt. This was designed by Mary Wienckowski, and beautifully melds Boston’s Zakim Bridge with our Todelmer theme.


And then we have the logo for the back of the shirt. This one was designed by Claire Hummel, known to many of you as Shoom’lah.

Congratulations to Mary and Claire! We can’t wait to see these awesome designs on our shirts, but alas, it’s going to be another 7 months before that happens. In the meantime though, you can pre-order your Mysterium shirt when you register for the convention.

That’s all for now!

-Taniith, Mysterium 2015 Chair

Registration and Event Submissions Now Open!

Shorah friends,

Welcome to 2015! I hope everyone out there had a good new year. It is currently quite cold (and slightly snowy) in Boston, but I’m pretty sure all of that will clear up sometime in the 7 months before Mysterium.

But until it does, here’s some news!


Pre-Registration for Mysterium 2015 is now OPEN! You can check out all of the details here.

We are trying out a tiered pricing structure this year. Right now, you can get our early-bird pricing. Prices will increase in mid-June, so be sure to register early. The sooner we know how many people are coming, the easier it is to plan the rest of the convention.

Event Submissions

Mysterium is nothing without interesting panels and fun contests: Heek tournaments, marker missions, D’ni clocks, language lessons – over the years, we’ve had some awesome events. This year, attendees will even get to see an exclusive sneak-peek of Obduction, courtesy of Cyan!

But we can’t do it all without you! Do you have an idea for a fun panel, activity, contest, or anything else? If so, we want to hear about it! You can get all the details about event submissions over at our events page.

Hotel, T-shirts, and other things

Over the weekend, a group of us made a site visit to a hotel that looks very promising. We can’t give you the full details until the contracts are all signed, but we’re optimistic it should all be settled in the next week or two. Room pricing should be on par with our normal rates (~$105-110/night for 2 beds). We’ll let you know when we have everything settled.

Similarly, we are almost ready to announce our T-shirt logos, but not quite yet. We’re waiting on some small revisions from the two artists before posting them. But trust us, they are going to be *awesome*.

Finally, we’ll be opening conbook submissions very soon. So start getting your submissions ready, be they artwork, stories, articles, poetry, recipes, papercrafts, or whatever else you can think of!


To the Honor of Our Tubers,
-Taniith, Mysterium 2015 chair

Hotel, Registration, and T-Shirts, Oh My!

Shorah Myst fans!

It’s been a little while since our last update, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been busy behind the scenes. In fact, we’ve got four big announcements for you today!

Hotel Reservations Open

We’re pleased to announce that we will be returning to the Comfort Inn University District hotel next year. The Comfort Inn was our gracious host in 2009, and we’re looking forward to seeing you all there again. We have a limited number of rooms available for $89.95/night, so get your reservations in now! See our Location page for more details.

Pre-Registration Open

Why not register to attend the convention while you’re booking your hotel room? That’s right, pre-registration is open! Weekend registration is $25 per person, which includes a convention book and a couple of extra goodies. Pre-registration closes on July 4th, 2014, but why wait? Register now!

Logos for 2014

We are absolutely thrilled to announce the winner of this year’s logo contest: Jeston Tigchon! He submitted a marvelous proposal for both the front and back designs that celebrates our 15th anniversary and our Rivenese theme this year, and it completely blew us away. Here’s the back:

Mysterium '14 Logo

Mysterium ’14 Logo


And here are the five front designs!

All of which leads us to our next announcement…

T-shirts Available for Pre-Order

Jeston’s amazing artwork is now available for pre-order in shirt form, and there’s an added bonus: you can pick which design will go on the front of your shirt! Yes, you can get any one of the front logo designs mentioned earlier on your Mysterium 2014 t-shirt (pre-order quantities permitting, see the link below for more information). If you can’t decide, we’ve got you covered with a 5-pack of shirts at a $10 discount versus buying them separately.

This year is pretty important to us, and we want to make sure that everyone who’s ever been a part of Mysterium can have a chance to pick up a 15th anniversary t-shirt. Now, even if you can’t make it to Mysterium in 2014, you can pre-order a shirt to commemorate 15 years of fun, friends, and community hijinx.

T-shirts are available in sizes from Small to 3XL, and for the first time, we’re also pleased to announce that we’re offering them in a women’s cut as well! For more information about pre-ordering, please visit check out our t-shirt information page.

More to Come

That’s all we have for now, but we hope it was worth the wait! We’ll have more announcements coming in the next few months as we get closer to convention weekend.