Location Bids

Hello! We have some news to share regarding future Mysterium locations.

Location Bids

Have you ever wanted Mysterium to come to your city? Well read on, because we’re changing up how we handle bids.

In the past, we’ve opened bids one year at a time. We’ve decided to change that, and bids are now accepted year-round. Starting with Mysterium 2022, bids will be accepted at any time up to April 1st of the year before the convention. For 2022, that means bids will be due by April 1, 2021. You can find all the details on our Location Bidding page.

If this seems daunting, it shouldn’t. You are not expected to gather every possible piece of information at this point. The goal of a bid document is simply to explain why your city would be a good place to host – and why you would be a good person to lead – Mysterium for that year. In particular, your city should be relatively accessible and offer hotels at a reasonable rate. We’ve provided sample bid documents from Mysterium 2020 for you to use as a reference. Good luck, and we’d love to bring the event to your city!

Submission Reminder

We’re still accepting submissions for activity book pages, events, and writing & artwork for Mysterium 2020. The next deadline is for the activity book on April 19, so you still have a week for that! See the Submissions page for more information.

Mysterium 2020 Triumvirate: Capella, Drew, and Dan

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  1. Pingback: May 2020 All Guilds Meeting Summary – The Guild of Messengers

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