My Mysterium: Photo Sharing and Communal Blogging

So we kind of dropped the ball on getting this really announced ahead of time, and for that we apologize, but we’ve been working on a way to share each others photos and experiences in this wild and wacky web 2.0 worlds we live in.  For those who prefer to thoroughly document their experiences using the written word, you can sign up for a blog at, or even syndicate your existing blog’s RSS feed.  Get in touch with Odo or Alahmnat if you need assistance getting yourself established there.

We also have a Mysterium 2008 group on Flickr for the shutterbugs among us.  The address for the group is  If you’re unfamiliar with how to contribute photos to a group on Flickr, check out this question in the Flickr FAQ.

Be at Mysterium – on paper!

Can’t make it to this weekend’s Mysterium? It’s not too late to be a Paper Person!

Paper people is a Mysterium tradition where people who can’t make it sent pictures of themselves to be there in their place. There is usually a group picture taken with all of the paper people. You can still get yours in. Send your jpg to by Friday AM!


Not Set In Stone Schedule – 2008


Noon– Registration open game signups open
4pm– Ahyoheek Rounds
5pm– Field Trip Sign Ups open
6-8pm– Meet & Greet at Hotel
7pm– Age Writing Tutorial (in hotel room)

10am-3pm Field Trips

New England Aquarium– $20 Adult

Peabody Musuem– $9 Adult
Freedom Trail Walking Tour -$12 Adult

4pm Marker Mission- Begins at hotel
4pm Displays open
7pm WWAD
8pm More ‘heek

10am-Noon Round Tables
Noon– Heek Finals
1pm Presentations
2pm-4pm Memorial, Closing & Awards

CAGrayWolf Memorial & Family Support Fund

Wolfie put huge amounts of time, energy and spirit into planning this year’s Mysterium. We’d be dishonoring him if we didn’t find a way to celebrate that spirit in some way.

On Sunday, we will be holding a non-denominational memorial for Wolfie, with a visual presentation, and time for people to speak. We will also have a memory book available for people to write in, that will be sent to his family.

In addition, we are passing the hat for a Wolfie Family Support Fund. This fund will have two priorities: first, clearly, to help alleviate the finance burden of funeral expenses.

The second priority is to support the Guild of Greeters in carrying on one of Wolfie’s projects, which was sponsoring a wolf of the Sawtooth Wolf Pack in Idaho. Funds beyond what the family accepts for expenses will be given to the GoG for this purpose

If you have pictures of CAGrayWolf you’d like to share, please send them to

To contribute to the fund, please use the address, and include “memorial fund” in the notes. Or, you can contribute directly to the Guild of Greeters

Thank you all so much,

The Mysterium Committee

I’ll Have A King-Sized Mysterium Update To Go, And A Donut…

We are pleased to announce that the winners of the 2008 Mysterium logo contest are

Daniel ‘Floydman’ Floyd and Claire ‘Shoom’lah’ Hummel
You can view the winning entries, and the other entrants HERE

Tshirts and other nifty items featuring their artwork are now available at our Mysterium CafePress Store

Congratulations to you both, and thank you to everyone who entered!

Between now and Mysterium, we will be having several items up for grabs on eBay, suitable for any Myst fan’s collection!

You can view all active auctions HERE

We’ve made registration easier with a new web based form! Register for Mysterium today!

Looking for someone to share a hotel room with? We now have a roommate matching system to help you find others who are looking to share a hotel room and split expenses to help make you trip more affordable and stress free. Visit our roomshare page HERE

We are trying something new this year for Presentations, by offering three different formats for groups & individuals to share their works with the community:

Display- Table space for displaying artwork, crafts or other creative efforts.

Small Group- For a small class, panel or smaller presentation.

Performance or Presentation- For larger presentation to all Mysterium attendees

Further details about each option, presentation rules and requirements, and registration, are available now on our Presentations Page HERE

Once again, we invite those D’niverse fans who can’t join us in the flesh to join us on paper. Please send your picture in jpg format, with an 8×10 print size, to

Have we got some fun stuff planned for this year! Visit our Events Page for a preview!

One of the things that makes Mysterium great is the amount of community involvement, and one way you can be involved – even if you aren’t able to attend Mysterium – is through the donation of prizes or materials.

If you create items that are directly related to the D’niverse (like Journey Cloths, or linking book replicas), or are thematically similar (like journals, or art of Age-like locations), we’d like to invite you to donate an item or two for prizes at Mysterium. In the past Mysterium has awarded prize winners journals, decorated cones, Journey Hand necklaces and more. Unique prizes are an inspiration to everyone!

If you have materials you think might be useful to us, like button blanks, or printer paper, we may be willing to find a use for them!

Jet Blue has several specials to Boston right now, check them out!
We recommend that attendees NOT use American Airlines if at all possible, given their new $15 fee for a standard checked bag.
Manchester Ariport (MHT) is less than 50miles from the hotel, and there is a free shuttle that goes from the airport to the regional transit center near the hotel. Booking a flight to that airport may be cheaper!