Wrapping Up Mysterium 2009

Ah, another Mysterium has come and gone with its own memories and stories to tell! After allowing everyone a chance to recuperate from that weekend, the Committee has some final bits of information to share with you about this year’s event.

We want to let everyone know that, in spite of few delayed cases, reports seem to indicate that everyone has recovered from the mysterious bug that began circulating on Saturday night. As far as we know, no Cyantists reported sick, and we are checking with the hotel to make sure the staff is okay. We’re going to be making a list of sanitary supplies to have on hand to help reduce the chance of something like this happening again for Mysterium 2010 and beyond.

Hotel Review
We had an amazing hotel staff for our event, there’s no doubt about that! If you haven’t already, we would ask that everyone who attended would show their appreciation by giving them a glowing review. We don’t think anyone can deny that they deserve at least that much from us. You may use the “Comment about your Stay” page at Choicehotels.com, and be sure to enter WA215 when asked for a hotel code.

Silverwood Refunds
Good news on the Silverwood front! They have promised us a 100% refund. The only downside is that it will take nearly a month to get a single check processed and sent back to the Committee. At that time, Odo, our Treasurer, will mail personal checks to all the individuals who signed up for Silverwood. In the light of this, we’d like to ask everyone who signed up for Silverwood to email Odo (odo@mysterium.net) to make sure that their mailing address information is accurate! We don’t want to accidentally leave anyone out.

Photo Galleries
We have been gathering links to galleries of photos taken by Mysterium goers and we would like to maintain a permanent list hosted on Mysterium.net! To make things easier for you, we have scoured the forums and compiled a list of galleries and videos that we were able to find. If you find that your gallery is missing, you may email GermanShepherd (germanshepherd@mysterium.net) to be included! (Or you may email him to have your links removed, if that’s your wish.) You may visit the list here: http://www.mysterium.net/mysterium-2009/photo-galleries/

We would also like to remind everyone that there is an official Mysterium 2009 Flickr Group Pool set up for people to post their photos to! You don’t need a Flickr account to view the pool, but if you have an account and you took photos that you want to share, we encourage you to add your own Mysterium memories to the pool. (It may not immediately apparently, but the pool will also accept videos, so feel free to share those, too!) We may also be contacting you directly to ask permission to post your photos to the Flickr pool ourselves, in case you don’t have the time.

We are pleased to announce that the 20-page Mysterium 2009 Convention Book and 12-page Mysterium Cookbook are both available for purchase on MagCloud for those who wish to do so. The Convention Book is available for $5.00, and the Cookbook is available for $8.40. (If you’d like to save some money, MagCloud is holding a 20%-off sale from now until August 31st, so before that date the cost is $4.20 for the Convention Book and $7.92 for the Cookbook.) All proceeds from the purchase of these books will go toward funding future Mysteriums.

Because the Cookbook was originally promised as part of the Convention Book and needed to be separated due to cost and size constraints, we would like to offer the Cookbook to those who attended at a discounted price. If you attended Mysterium 2009 and would like a copy of the Mysterium Cookbook, please contact web@mysterium.net so we can send you the appropriate link.

Both the Mysterium 2009 Convention Book and the Mysterium Cookbook can be purchased online at http://mysterium.magcloud.com. Please be aware that MagCloud presently only ships to the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

On The Horizon
Since so many people were feeling the effects of the sickness on Sunday, prize distribution was canceled. However, we are going to Plan B in that regard and we are looking into mailing the prizes to the winners. We are also working to make additional t-shirts available for purchase online by anyone who was unable to get one. In addition to that, we’re also beginning to prepare a wrap up poll that will allow you to give feedback on how this year’s Mysterium was handled as well as allow you more opportunities to shape future events! We expect to have more information on these things in the near future.

And with that, we hope everyone had a great time at Mysterium this year (even in spite of that nasty bug) and we look forward to seeing you again in 2010!

An Unwritten Ending

For those still at the hotel and not the walking dead, lets meet outside the hotel at 8pm, walk to the park, watch the batty bats come out of the cave, walk a labyrinth, and say goodbye to another year of Mysterium

Game Called on Account of Plague

Yes, it’s true. Mysterium ended this year not with a joyous celebration of community, but with a whole lot of praying to the Great Porcelain God.

Sadly, 15-20 Mysterum attendees were struck with what was likely a fast-acting type of norovirus. The good news is that everyone is recovering quickly, and seems to be affected for less than 24 hours total.

So, many things were canceled and/or put on hold.
The Ahyoheek tournament will be decided by going over the existing results.
The Marker Mission winning team will get their participation prize in the mail, and we’ll draw a name for the big prize
WWAD team will be decided by popular vote on the website, look for the poll next week. Prizes will be handled the same as Marker Missions.
Other prizes will be handed out by drawing.
There will be online shirt ordering at some point.

We are in contact with Silverwood about refunds, but that may take some time, and we cannot guarantee a 100% return.

There were extra, unplanned expenses incurred, please consider dropping some change in the donation jar (button) on the right.

Shorah and care to you all,

Mysterium 2010 Location Chosen!

On behalf of the entire Mysterium Committee, the Location Team is excited to announce that next year’s Mysterium will be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota!

The city for Mysterium 2010 was chosen through a combination of community-wide polling and much research. Because the top three cities on the poll turned out to be statistically tied (click here for the final numbers), we set out to do further research on each of the top cities to determine which was most ideal rather than let the randomness of the tie determine the location.

Minneapolis has a number of hotels to choose from that offer easy transit to and from the airport and provide the large meeting spaces we’ve come to rely on while maintaining affordable rates. The public transportation options provide a simple way around the city for those flying in, and those driving in will have an equally easy time of navigating the streets. Between museums like the Bakken Museum of Electricity in Life and the 370,000-square-foot Science Museum of Minneapolis, the shopping centers like the famous Mall of America, and the many parks and lakes within the city to explore, we think the city provides everything needed for a Mysterium city!

In the end, Minneapolis was chosen not only for its top place in the poll and outstanding qualities in the above-mentioned areas, but also because a few locals have volunteered to personally check out hotels, and advise on local transportation options and attractions. The ability to have people physically go to an area and find out information is critical to making Mysterium as affordable and enjoyable as possible.

In closing, we’d like to thank all of you for your patience while we worked to select a city and we want to wish all those who are attending Mysterium 2009 right now an awesome, fun and safe trip! If you were unable to attend this year (like those of us on the Location Team), we hope you’ll be able to attend next year’s!

TW, Odo, GermanShepherd (Location Team), and the rest of the Mysterium Committee

On-Site at Mysterium

As a quick update, as Mysterium 2009 is already well underway, there’s plenty of activity via Twitter, Flickr, ustream, in CyanChat, and on IRC at chat.mystlore.com, in the #mysterium channel. Stay tuned later this weekend for an announcement regarding Mysterium 2010!