Mysterium T-Shirt/Logo & Con Book Submission

T-shirt/Logo and Convention Book Submission.

Mysterium is fast approaching and planning is on-going.

Time to start sharpening those pencils to come up with this years’ t-shirt and Official Mysterium Logo!

Due to the positive response from the Bevin decorations at last year’s event, we’ve decided to incorporate another Age into our decorations’ theme this year. The Age we’ve selected for 2010 is Kadish Tolesa. Feel free to use this theme as a source of inspiration for your logo designs and convention book submissions if you choose, but doing so will not be a requirement.Continue reading

Mysterium 2010 Dates!

A new year… and time to start thinking about Mysterium! As previously announced, Mysterium will be held in Minneapolis, MN, and now you can have dates to go with your location!

Mysterium 2010
Minneapolis, MN
Aug 5th – 8th

The holidays slowed down the hotel process, but know that we’re looking at some reasonably priced facilities, with fantastic access to the airport and the Mall of America.

Keep your eyes open for announcements about the yearly Tshirt Contest, registration, presentations, and more!

Mysterium Stuff

Mysterium Gifts are Now Available!

We now have products from Mysterium 2009 available for purchase.
Didn’t get your Mysterium 2009 t-shirt? Want that nifty magnet with the Mysterium 2009 logo?
You can get it now.

Just in time for the holidays- we have 2 different styles of holiday Mysterium ornaments.

Mousepads, stickers, tote bags, kids stuff and more!

Take a look and help out support your Mysterium!

It’s all at :

Mysterium Committee Member

Meet Your 2010 Mysterium Committee


We would like to introduce your 2010 Mysterium Committee members! This year, we have the privilege of some returning committee members, and the honor of some brand new members joining us for next years’ Mysterium. Without further ado, meet your 2010 committee and volunteers!

Co-Chairs: Alahmnat and Eleri
Treasurer: Odo
Secretary: Mesnab
Communications Lead: Church
Events Lead: Blade
Location Lead: TW
Registration Lead: Oscelot
Web Lead: TS Kimball
Cyan Worlds: Viki Almond

Volunteers (so far): Simon and nomad. wandering_nomad has volunteered to be our Minneapolis insider.

We are riding high from Mysterium ’09, when Mysterium returned home to Spokane, WA; Cyan was gracious enough to have us for a visit and a BBQ. We have some exciting things planned for Mysterium this year: new people and new ideas have been flowing, and we’ve put much effort into reorganizing our committee structure to ensure that planning is as efficient as possible. We look forward to working with the community to make Mysterium 2010 better than ever!

Mysteruim Committee
Communications Lead

Wrapping Up Mysterium 2009

Ah, another Mysterium has come and gone with its own memories and stories to tell! After allowing everyone a chance to recuperate from that weekend, the Committee has some final bits of information to share with you about this year’s event.

We want to let everyone know that, in spite of few delayed cases, reports seem to indicate that everyone has recovered from the mysterious bug that began circulating on Saturday night. As far as we know, no Cyantists reported sick, and we are checking with the hotel to make sure the staff is okay. We’re going to be making a list of sanitary supplies to have on hand to help reduce the chance of something like this happening again for Mysterium 2010 and beyond.

Hotel Review
We had an amazing hotel staff for our event, there’s no doubt about that! If you haven’t already, we would ask that everyone who attended would show their appreciation by giving them a glowing review. We don’t think anyone can deny that they deserve at least that much from us. You may use the “Comment about your Stay” page at, and be sure to enter WA215 when asked for a hotel code.

Silverwood Refunds
Good news on the Silverwood front! They have promised us a 100% refund. The only downside is that it will take nearly a month to get a single check processed and sent back to the Committee. At that time, Odo, our Treasurer, will mail personal checks to all the individuals who signed up for Silverwood. In the light of this, we’d like to ask everyone who signed up for Silverwood to email Odo ( to make sure that their mailing address information is accurate! We don’t want to accidentally leave anyone out.

Photo Galleries
We have been gathering links to galleries of photos taken by Mysterium goers and we would like to maintain a permanent list hosted on! To make things easier for you, we have scoured the forums and compiled a list of galleries and videos that we were able to find. If you find that your gallery is missing, you may email GermanShepherd ( to be included! (Or you may email him to have your links removed, if that’s your wish.) You may visit the list here:

We would also like to remind everyone that there is an official Mysterium 2009 Flickr Group Pool set up for people to post their photos to! You don’t need a Flickr account to view the pool, but if you have an account and you took photos that you want to share, we encourage you to add your own Mysterium memories to the pool. (It may not immediately apparently, but the pool will also accept videos, so feel free to share those, too!) We may also be contacting you directly to ask permission to post your photos to the Flickr pool ourselves, in case you don’t have the time.

We are pleased to announce that the 20-page Mysterium 2009 Convention Book and 12-page Mysterium Cookbook are both available for purchase on MagCloud for those who wish to do so. The Convention Book is available for $5.00, and the Cookbook is available for $8.40. (If you’d like to save some money, MagCloud is holding a 20%-off sale from now until August 31st, so before that date the cost is $4.20 for the Convention Book and $7.92 for the Cookbook.) All proceeds from the purchase of these books will go toward funding future Mysteriums.

Because the Cookbook was originally promised as part of the Convention Book and needed to be separated due to cost and size constraints, we would like to offer the Cookbook to those who attended at a discounted price. If you attended Mysterium 2009 and would like a copy of the Mysterium Cookbook, please contact so we can send you the appropriate link.

Both the Mysterium 2009 Convention Book and the Mysterium Cookbook can be purchased online at Please be aware that MagCloud presently only ships to the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

On The Horizon
Since so many people were feeling the effects of the sickness on Sunday, prize distribution was canceled. However, we are going to Plan B in that regard and we are looking into mailing the prizes to the winners. We are also working to make additional t-shirts available for purchase online by anyone who was unable to get one. In addition to that, we’re also beginning to prepare a wrap up poll that will allow you to give feedback on how this year’s Mysterium was handled as well as allow you more opportunities to shape future events! We expect to have more information on these things in the near future.

And with that, we hope everyone had a great time at Mysterium this year (even in spite of that nasty bug) and we look forward to seeing you again in 2010!