We’re Back!

Hello world!

We apologize for the delays and the downtime. Unfortunately being all-volunteer means our volunteers sometimes come and go as demands require. Also it doesn’t help when your server gets hacked. But hey, we’re back in business, and ready to dish out some information! Stay tuned, and keep an eye on the site as we rebuild it. Details on Mysterium 2012 are coming shortly.

“Official” Word Regarding Mysterium 2011

There has been some confusion about Mysterium 2011, so to make it official, here’s the official word: while it is true that the Mysterium Committee originally decided not to directly organize an event this year, a group of fans formed the Mysterium’nee Committee to organize this year’s Mysterium in Boston, Massachusetts. That event is now the official Mysterium for 2011. We fully support their efforts (some of us are even helping to organize it), we wish them well and we encourage you to go!

– Odo

Logos, Shirts and Free Registrations: The Blog Poast

Our logo has been chosen! Congratulations to Paul Veloz for creating it. It will be displayed prominently on the back of our t-shirts, which are now available for pre-order as well. You can check out the logo and t-shirt pricing here.

Not exciting enough? How about this: The dA Myst Fanclub has graciously offered to sponsor a weekend registration and a day pass and we will be giving these out in contest form. All you have to do is reply to this announcement post in the next 48 hours to enter.

-The Committee