Mysterium 2010 Schedule!

Mysterium 2010 Preliminary Schedule!

You’ve asked and we’re delivering!

Here is the tenetive schedule for this year’s Mysterium!

6-8 Early Explorer Gathering.

8-10 Room Set up
10-11 Official opening- Heek 101
11-12 Presentations/Speakers – OHBot
12-1 lunch
1-2 WWAD
2-3 Presentation/Speakers – zib_redlektab
3-4 Meet & Greet
4-5 Dinner
5-7 Myst 101
8-? Bevin Party

9-11 Marker Mission
11-12 Presentations/Speakers Psycology of Myst
12-1 Lunch
1-2 Heek Final Round
2-5 Speakers Jack Wall Interview
6-7 Dinner
7-? MQ

11-12 Costume Contest
12 -1 Lunch
1-2 Presentations Myst Fantasy Casting
2-3 Awards/Closing

*Schedule is subject to change.

Other activities include open Heek tables, presentation tables, and group gatherings.

Keep up with Mysterium events and latest news at


Mysterium 2010 Logo Submission Deadline Extended!


The date for logo submission for this year Mysterium has been extended for one week only!

An extension until June 14th is in effect for the submission of logos to be considered for this year’s Mysterium 2010 in Minneapolis.

As before, we are incorporating Kadish Tolesa into our decorations’ theme this year. You can use this theme as a source of inspiration for your logo designs and convention book submissions if you choose, but doing so will not be a requirement.

Guidelines are at

Submit your designs at the same site:
Dead line is June 14th. Submitt your creation and you may see your design at Mysterium 2010!

Convention Book Submissions are also due on June 30th.
More information at: … tion-book/