Mysterium 2013 Schedule!

Here’s the schedule for Mysterium 2013. Please note that all times are in Eastern Time (GMT -4).

Thursday, August 1st

6:30 PM: Early Arrival Meet-and-Greet (optional)
6:45 PM: Showing of “Pacific Rim” at Regal Henrietta Cinema (optional)

Friday, August 2nd

10:00 AM: Opening Announcements, followed by Meet & Greet
11:00 AM: Panel: “Starry Expanse”
12:00 PM: Lunch
1:00 PM: Strong Museum of Play; Rochester Museum and Science Center; Unguided City Exploration
2:00 PM: “Reahn” Immersive Age Experience (Group 1)
3:00 PM: “Reahn” Immersive Age Experience (Group 2)
4:00 PM: “Reahn” Immersive Age Experience (Group 3)
5:00 PM: “Reahn” Immersive Age Experience (Group 4)
6:00 PM: Dinner
8:00 PM: “‘Heek 101” Tutorial
8:30 PM: Ahyoheek Tournament / Social Time

Saturday, August 3rd

10:00 AM: Ahyoheek Tournament / Social Time
11:00 AM: Panel: “Seltani”
12:00 PM: Lunch
1:15 PM: “What Would Atrus Build?”
3:00 PM: Skype Q&A with Robyn Miller
4:30 PM: Ahyoheek Tournament Finals / Social Time
6:00 PM: Dinner
8:00 PM: Social Time

Sunday, August 4th

10:00 AM: Social Time
12:00 PM: Closing Ceremonies


This year we’re pleased to offer an electronic version of our schedule as a Guidebook guide. You can download the app for Android or iPhone. To access our guide, you can either select “Scan” within the app to scan the QR code below, or just search for “Mysterium”. If you have a different mobile device, you can also access the guide by visiting and searching for “Mysterium”.

With the Guidebook app, we can push updates to you if there is a schedule change, and you can set up notifications for events or activities that you want to make sure you don’t miss. We will be pushing additional information about the Rochester area into our Guidebook guide soon, and you’ll always have the latest details even if you get the guide now.

We only have 200 downloads available for our 2013 guide, so if you aren’t attending this year, please refrain from downloading the guide so that attendees can have access to it. Thank you.

We look forward to seeing y’all there!
-the 2013 Mysterium Committee

Paper People!

shorah Mysterium fans!

Paper People is a time-honored tradition. If you can’t attend Mysterium in-person, you can come in the form of a print-out representing yourself! Many people send pictures of their meatspace selves, but it’s okay to submit an Uru avatar, or your name on a cool background. If you want to come as a paper person, please email your representative image to before midnight EST of Wed July 31. We’ll print you out and put you on our wall of paper people!

Special Event: Robyn Miller Q&A

Shorah Myst fans!

The Mysterium Committee is thrilled to announce that Robyn Miller will be Skyping in to Mysterium on August 3rd to answer some questions. We’re accepting question submissions from the community. Keep in mind that there are time constraints, so not every question will be asked, and questions that are very similar may be combined.

Please submit up to 5 questions to . We know that people like to brainstorm questions with each other on the forum threads and blog post comments, but it’s easier for us to create the final list and not overlook anything if you send them directly to the committee. Please submit your questions by midnight Eastern time Sunday, July 28th so that we can give Robyn an early look at them.

the 2013 Mysterium Committee

Logo Reveal!


The 2013 committee is pleased to present to you the logos for this year’s Mysterium. The front logo was provided by zib_redlektab. The back logo was designed by Heather Larkin. We think these are outstanding logos and are pleased to show them off to you.

-The 2013 Mysterium Committee

The front logo for Mysterium 2013, by zib_redlektab.


A rendering of Myst Island with the text "20 years of Myst"

The back logo for Mysterium 2013, by Heather Larkin.




Call For Panels

Shorah, Mysteriumites!

Having panels created and run by you, the attendees and fans, is a time-honored part of Mysterium, and we’d love to keep it going this year. If you’re interested in having a panel, please fill out this form to let us know what you’d like to do and what you need for it so we can make it happen. The cutoff for form submission is Friday the 26th, though earlier is better.

Looking forward to seeing what you put together,

the 2013 committee