Mysterium 2017 Bidding Open

Shorah All

Usually, you hear from me as the PR guy for Mysterium 2016, but today I’m posting as the Chairman of the Falling Man Group (or FMG). If you haven’t heard of it, the FMG is the parent organization that provides support and oversight for everything related to Mysterium.

We’re excited to finally be able to say this: bidding is now open for Mysterium 2017!

Have you ever thought, “hey, Mysterium is great, but I have all these ideas and my home town is awesome. I wish I could run it one year”? Well, this is your chance. Starting with 2017, the Mysterium location and committee will be selected through a (simple) bidding process. You can get all the details of the 2017 bidding process here:–xPPag20GR0-g/edit?usp=sharing

Keep in mind that running Mysterium is a commitment, so only bid if you’re willing to put in the time and energy to make it happen. That said, it’s a lot of fun and it can be really rewarding to see it all come together. And you wont be thrown into the deep end on your own. The FMG will help you to stay on track, providing advice and resources to make sure your convention is a success.

Bids for 2017 will be accepted through May 9th. We look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Chairman, Falling Man Group

Event & Panel Submissions Open

Shorah Friends,

As of today, event and panel submissions for Mysterium 2016 are now open! You can find out all the details here:

At closing ceremonies last year, many of you had some great ideas for new events and interesting twists on old ones. This is the time to submit them and make them a reality at Mysterium! Remember: Mysterium is entirely fan run, so we can’t do it without your help. Have an interesting topic for a round table discussion? Know a good adventure/puzzle game that we could all play as a group on a projector? Want to work on a new and improved version of the Marker Missions? Have a little musical number based on the antics of Atrus’ family? Submit it and share it with the community.

We can’t wait to see what you all come up with.

Also, a reminder that registration is now open here:

Mysterium 2016 PR Bah’ro

Mysterium 2016 Registration Open

Greetings all,

I am happy to announce that pre-registration for Mysterium 2016 is now OPEN! You can get all the details here:

We will have information on the t-shirt logos sometime soon. Remember, the deadline for logo contest submissions is this coming Monday.

We will also have information about the hotel sometime soon. Negotiations are taking longer than anticipated, but we expect to be in our usual price range for guest rooms (somewhere around the $99-$119/night range).

That’s all for now!

Mysterium 2016 PR Bah’ro

Mysterium 2016 Logo Contest & Update

Shorah Friends!

It’s that time again! Get your Wacom Tablets ready, because today we are announcing the theme for Mysterium 2016, and kicking off the logo contest!

Theme Announcement

The theme for this year’s Mysterium will be the Gehn’s 233rd age!

Logo Contest

As mentioned above, today we are kicking off our annual logo contest! Submissions are due by February 15th, 2016. You can submit either a front design, a back design, or both. More information about the design requirements and where to submit your entries is available at the logo contest page.

Even if you are not an artist yourself, please pass the contest details along to anyone who might be interested. We look forward to seeing what people come up with!

Other News

Fun fact: I am not the Convention Chair this time, but rather the PR monkey (Mangree? Bah’ro? Let’s go with Bah’ro). We’ve brought in some new blood! Well, new old blood, but I digress…

This year, the Mysterium Committee is being co-chaired by M@ and K’laamas. If you’ve been to Mysterium in the past, then you probably recognize those names. They’ve been attending for many years, and now they are moving from attendee to committee. We’re all excited to see what they come up with, and we hope you are too!

We’ve been quiet thus far, but work is progressing behind the scenes. If you’d like to be involved in the planning this year, or even in future years, please be sure to drop us a line.

That’s it for the moment, but we should have more news for you before very long!

Mysterium 2016 PR Bah’ro