Coloring Books

Quick update for you. Our coloring book proof came in this week, and it looks faaaabulous:

Keep in mind that this is an initial proof. We’re adjusting the positioning on most pages, including centering images on the pages and fixing the parts of the cover that are cut-off. Also note that the credit/title text is on the back of the page, so what you see in the photos is the info for the previous page.

If you’d like to pre-order extra coloring books, we extended the sale period while we were getting the proof made. You can buy them here. We’ll be ending coloring book sales without notice some time in the next week (once our edits are done), so if you want one be sure to order ASAP!

Big thank you to Kelly Coston for the huge task of laying out the book and converting many old logos and images into coloring pages. Also, a big thank you and congrats to everyone who submitted artwork that ended up in the book (and folks who submitted artwork in the past that we repurposed):

  • Adam Winsor
  • Calum Traveler
  • Samuel Sefer
  • Claire “Shoom’lah” Hummell
  • Taniith
  • Jeston Tigchon
  • Xemylixa
  • Katherine White
  • LaughingPineapple
  • Lehsa
  • Matthew Schneider
  • Kelly “Rayne” Coston
  • Jam
  • Moiety Jean Fioca
  • NetWatcher
  • Zib Redlektab
  • Mary Wienckowski
  • Michael Bower
  • Kefrith
  • Floydman
  • Eleri

We hope to have some more news for you later this week. Stay tuned!

Mysterium 2019 Chair

Next Guest, Hotel Updates, and Registration Deadline Reminders

Greetings All

Can you believe it’s almost June? In just over two months we’ll all be gathering in Spokane! With that in mind, we have a few updates and another big announcement:

Registration/Swag Deadline

Early Bird registration ends this Saturday, June 1st. After that, the registration price will go up, and we can’t guarantee you’ll get swag with your badge.

Also, if you want to order and extra coloring book or t-shirt, be sure to do so ASAP. After Saturday we’ll be closing pre-orders on those and placing our manufacturing orders.

You can register or buy shirts/books at our registration page, here.

Hotel Update

Ruby River, our convention hotel, is basically booked solid at this point. There may be one or two rooms currently available on our reservation link, but that’s it. We’re actively working with the hotel to secure a block of overflow rooms at one of their nearby properties. We’ll email all registered attendees, and post here/on social media, once we have more information.

In the meantime, some people on our Discord server have expressed an interest in sharing rooms to split the cost. You can post to the #room-and-ride-share channel there if you’re interested.

Announcing – Tim Larkin

We’re very excited to announce that our next special guest is Tim Larkin!

Tim began his relationship with Cyan as a sound designer for Riven, and later as the Audio Director and composer for URU and Myst V. He currently works as a sound designer and composer at Valve. You can find out more about Tim, and all of Mysterium’s special guests, on our new Special Guests page!

If you’ve been following our special guest announcements, you may be starting to notice a theme. Stay tuned, because we’re not quite done with these announcements yet!

Until then,
Mysterium 2019 Chair

Firmament & Mass Mysteria Update

Greetings all

We have an update about Mass Mysteria for you, but first we wanted to make sure everyone knows about Firmament!

If you haven’t already heard, Firmament is an all new game from Cyan.

Firmament is currently on Kickstarter, and it needs your help! We all have 8 more days to get the campaign to its goal. It has a ways to go, but we can do it if we push it on social media. Be sure to tell your friends, and consider upping you pledge by a few dollars if you can.

Continue reading

Jack Wall – Our Next Special Guest

Greetings all!

As you can see from the title of the post, we have a very exciting special guest to announce today:

That’s right, Jack Wall will be a special guest at Mysterium this year.

Jack Wall is an ASCAP award-winning and BAFTA nominated composer best known for his rich, cinematic scores found within popular video game franchises such as Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, 3, & 4, and Mass Effect 1 & 2. Most recently Wall scored the supernatural drama television series Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments airing on Disney’s Freeform TV as well as the latest record-breaking entry in the blockbuster Call of Duty series, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. He has also written additional music score for numerous other TV series including the fantasy drama series Reign on the CW and Emerald City on NBC as well as scoring the hi-octane action film Hard Target 2 available on Netflix.

However, Myst fans will know him as the composer of the beautiful soundtracks from Myst III and IV.

Between Jack and Russel we’re starting to build up quite a powerhouse of audio guests, so expect at least one panel centered around game audio. And who knows? We may get them to join in on Mysterium Showtunes!

Mysterium Memories

Mysterium has been around for a long time, and many of you have been coming for just as long. We want to showcase the people that make Mysterium great, and that means we need your pictures and stories! We want you to submit or post a photo of you at your first Mysterium convention. For bonus points, feel free to include a story about how Mysterium/the Myst community has impacted your life (or even career). We’ll collect all of these and display them in some fashion this summer. Here are the details:

  • Post with the hashtag #Mysterium20 to Twitter (tag @mysteriumcon) or to our Facebook Group
  • Include a photo of you at your first Mysterium. You can also include a photo of you today if you wish.
  • Include your preferred name, if it’s not your Facebook/Twitter handle
  • Optionally, include a short story/blurb to go with it
    • Did you meet your partner because of Mysterium? Or did it have some other major impact on your life?
  • We will collect all posts with the #Mysterium20 hashtag, and the contents may be shown later on the website or in the con-room

We look forward to seeing your pictures and hearing your stories!


Quick reminder that Registration and Hotel Reservations are currently open.

Also, remember to join the discussion on your local Mass Mysteria meetup!

Until next time,
Mysterium 2019 Con Chair

Mysterium 2019 – Registration, Logos, & Hotel Info

Greetings all!

We are excited to announce that registration and hotel reservations are now open! First, though, we want to show you the winning logo submissions for this year’s t-shirts.


Above we have our lovely front logo, made by Xemylixa. Below we have our awesome back logo, by calumTraveler.

We love both of these logos, and we think they’ll look beautiful on the shirts. You can get more information about the shirts on our T-Shirt page.


This year, Mysterium will take place at the Ruby River Hotel in downtown Spokane. This hotel is in walking distance of the downtown core and Riverfront Park, and overlooks the Spokane River. We’ve secured a rate of $119/night for one-bed rooms, and $129/night for two-bed rooms (plus tax).

To book your room, and for more information about the hotel and surrounding area, please see our Location page.


In addition to hotel reservations, Mysterium registration is now open! From now until June 1st, you can purchase a weekend registration for $35, or a premium registration (weekend + shirt + coloring book) for $60. That’s a $5 discount off of the individual items! After June 1st, the price will increase and shirts/books will not be available.

We are also introducing a space for personal pronouns on our badges this year. We’ve heard attendees ask for it over the past few years; in the interest of creating the most welcoming and enjoyable environment we can, we decided it was time to introduce the option. Adding pronouns to your badge will be 100% optional, but all staff badges will include them.

You can get all the details and purchase your registration at the Registration page.

We made the decision to raise registration prices by $10 this year, and we want to be fully transparent about why. As described in our FAQ, registration prices go towards the cost of renting the hotel space, equipment rentals, swag, and convention expenses. Unfortunately, the cost of hotel space, especially in popular cities, has been increasing quickly in recent years. In addition, this year we have invited quite a few special guests, and part of the registration increase will go towards offsetting their travel costs. Please get in touch with us if you have any questions about registration.


Remember to submit any event/panel/activity ideas using our submissions form! Also, be sure to join in the Mass Mysteria city planning discussions on our discord – details here.

We expect to have a very exciting special guest announcement in a few weeks.

Until then,
Mysterium 2019 Con Chair