Bidding for Mysterium 2011 location will be closing on Aug 31!
Tell us why your east coast time zone city would be a great place to host Mysterium by giving a few lines here:
Bidding for Mysterium 2011 location will be closing on Aug 31!
As promised last weekend, we’d like to announce the commencement of the (brief) 2011 location bidding process. From the short 2011 Location panel in Minneapolis this year, we left with the impression that there was support for Mysterium in cities that we hadn’t considered during our internal discussions. It has also become apparent to us that having a local expert on the city that we’re planning Mysterium in is a vital part of making informed decisions regarding neighborhoods, the quality of hotels, and availability of things such as local attractions and food options.
For these reasons, we’ve decided to delay the decision regarding the location of Mysterium 2011 by a few weeks to accomplish both of these.
If you think your North American EST city is right for Mysterium 2011, tell us why. Submit a bid by August 31st and help us bring Mysterium 2011 to your city!
Shorah everyone,
I wanted to take a moment to wrap up Mysterium 2010, and look ahead to next year.
Mysterium 2010 was a great event. Thank you to everyone who came and hung out, participated in the marker mission, and made What Would Atrus Do yet another rousing success. Congratulations to the winners of those events, as well as the costume contest and the Ahyoheek Tournament. And thanks to everyone who watched our antics through the live stream and Cyan Chat, and to everyone who sent a Paper Person.
Shorah everyone,
As the person in charge of publications on the Mysterium Committee, I would like to offer a few exciting updates on our print materials.Continue reading