We’re Back!

Hello world!

We apologize for the delays and the downtime. Unfortunately being all-volunteer means our volunteers sometimes come and go as demands require. Also it doesn’t help when your server gets hacked. But hey, we’re back in business, and ready to dish out some information! Stay tuned, and keep an eye on the site as we rebuild it. Details on Mysterium 2012 are coming shortly.

Mysterium 2011 Location Bidding closing soon!

Bidding for Mysterium 2011 location will be closing on Aug 31!

Hurry this is your last week to nominate your city for next year’s Mysterium!
Tell us why your east coast time zone city would be a great place to host Mysterium by giving a few lines here:  http://www.mysterium.net/mysterium-2011/location/

Mysterium only happens with the help of explorers!  Bring Mysterium to you!
Hurry last day for submittals is Tuesday!

Closing Out Mysterium 2010

Shorah everyone,

I wanted to take a moment to wrap up Mysterium 2010, and look ahead to next year.

Mysterium 2010 was a great event. Thank you to everyone who came and hung out, participated in the marker mission, and made What Would Atrus Do yet another rousing success. Congratulations to the winners of those events, as well as the costume contest and the Ahyoheek Tournament. And thanks to everyone who watched our antics through the live stream and Cyan Chat, and to everyone who sent a Paper Person.

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