Mysterium 2009 Date & Input Survey


As 2009 approaches, we are looking to you, the community, to give us input on Mysterium to help guide our planning efforts.  To that end, we have posted a new survey to gather feedback.  This survey will be open until November 16th.  If you are interested in attending Mysterium next year, please take a few minutes and fill it out.

We are interested in your preferences for the date of Mysterium, ranked from most-preferable, to least-preferable. The results will then be scaled; to give the most-preferable votes more weight and the least-preferable the least weight. This will allow a more accurate picture of which weekend people prefer, and it will allow us to easily determine a second choice.  Please be aware that the Mysterium Committee will do its best to schedule Mysterium for the most-preferred date, but that other factors such as cost and hotel availability may require us to alter our decision, in which case we will target the next most-preferred date.

Building on the success of Mysterium 2008, we are also seeking input on what you would like to see from Mysterium in the future.  Keep in mind that not everything in this survey may be on the schedule for 2009, but knowing what direction you would like to take this convention will help us fine-tune our planning process and increase our focus.

To participate in this survey, please click here or visit the Polls page.  Thank you in advance for your interest and participation.

*Tap tap* Is this thing on?


So, it’s November now, and I realize we’ve been pretty quiet despite the promises that we’d be far more on-the-ball with planning than things have been in past years.  Well, we’re working hard to make up lost time now, and are busy planning Mysterium 2009.  We expect to have a couple of polls out within the week that you can participate in to drive the planning process for next year.  The first poll will be going out to everyone who registered for Mysterium 2008 in Boston, to get one last feedback push from them on how we did.  The second poll will be open to everyone, and will be soliciting feedback on what you as a community would like to see in 2009.

Stay tuned, this is just the beginning!

– Alahmnat

My Mysterium: Photo Sharing and Communal Blogging

So we kind of dropped the ball on getting this really announced ahead of time, and for that we apologize, but we’ve been working on a way to share each others photos and experiences in this wild and wacky web 2.0 worlds we live in.  For those who prefer to thoroughly document their experiences using the written word, you can sign up for a blog at, or even syndicate your existing blog’s RSS feed.  Get in touch with Odo or Alahmnat if you need assistance getting yourself established there.

We also have a Mysterium 2008 group on Flickr for the shutterbugs among us.  The address for the group is  If you’re unfamiliar with how to contribute photos to a group on Flickr, check out this question in the Flickr FAQ.

Be at Mysterium – on paper!

Can’t make it to this weekend’s Mysterium? It’s not too late to be a Paper Person!

Paper people is a Mysterium tradition where people who can’t make it sent pictures of themselves to be there in their place. There is usually a group picture taken with all of the paper people. You can still get yours in. Send your jpg to by Friday AM!


Not Set In Stone Schedule – 2008


Noon– Registration open game signups open
4pm– Ahyoheek Rounds
5pm– Field Trip Sign Ups open
6-8pm– Meet & Greet at Hotel
7pm– Age Writing Tutorial (in hotel room)

10am-3pm Field Trips

New England Aquarium– $20 Adult

Peabody Musuem– $9 Adult
Freedom Trail Walking Tour -$12 Adult

4pm Marker Mission- Begins at hotel
4pm Displays open
7pm WWAD
8pm More ‘heek

10am-Noon Round Tables
Noon– Heek Finals
1pm Presentations
2pm-4pm Memorial, Closing & Awards