Forums, Prize Donations, and More

Greetings all!

We have a quick update for you tonight, so let’s get to it:

Room & Ride Share

Several people have asked if we are bringing back the room & ride share forums this year. We are, and you can find them here: They can be used for a number of things related to cutting down the cost of attending Mysterium, including:

  • Offering space in your hotel room to split the cost
  • Asking for hotel roommates
  • Finding people arriving at the same time or on the same flight, so that you can share transport to the hotel
  • Finding someone doing a road-trip to Mysterium that might pass near you
  • Finding other attendees to explore Salt Lake City with before and after the convention
  • etc

We hope the forum is helpful!


Once again, the Mysterium committee is reaching out to our talented community for Myst-themed items that can be given away as prizes at this year’s events. We are always fortunate to get a great variety of prizes – from Riven jewelry, to handmade books, to custom shirts… attendees always love the things the community graciously donates.

If you are interested in donating a prize, please email Thanks in advance to all who do!

Chuck Carter on Kickstarter

You may recall from a previous announcement that Myst artist Chuck Carter will be a guest at Mysterium this year. Well, his studio just launched a Kickstarter for their upcoming game, ZED. It has a very Myst like feel, and from talking to Chuck I think it’s safe to say that Myst fans will be very interested in the game. You can learn more about the game from the video below, and you can become a backer of the game at their Kickstarter page:

That’s it for tonight!
Mysterium 2016 PR Bah’ro

Mysterium 2016 Hotel Information

Greetings all!

At long last, we are ready to announce that hotel bookings for 2016 are officially open. Mysterium will take place at the Best Western Plus CottonTree Inn, located at 10695 Auto Mall Drive, Sandy, Utah, 84070.

The hotel is a little ways outside of downtown Salt Lake, but there is public transportation available to get from the airport to the hotel, along with taxis/shuttles/rental cars. We’ll post information about getting to the hotel from the airport as we get closer to August.

We have secured a rate of $94/night, which is available from Friday, August 5th thru Tuesday, August 9th. Rooms with both one and two beds are available.

We have also secured a limited number of rooms for Thursday, August 4th at a rate of $130.

You can book your rooms by calling the hotel directly at 800-662-6886 and pressing 2 for the Sandy, Utah location. When you call, tell them you are with the Mysterium convention to get our group rates.

We realize that a limited number of more expensive rooms for Thursday isn’t ideal as most attendees like to arrive on Thursday. We anticipate that most people should be able to get a room, but, because some might choose to arrive on Friday instead, we will be sure not to schedule any of the “big ticket” presentations/events until later in the day on Friday. We’re currently working on the schedule and will let you know when that is available.

Don’t forget to register here:

We’re really sorry for how long it has taken to get hotel information out this year, but we’re very happy with the hotel we’ve chosen. We can’t wait to see you all this summer!

Mysterium 2016 PR Bah’ro

Special Guest – Chuck Carter

Greetings all, and a special welcome to any Obduction backers who are looking at Mysterium for the first time.

Special Guest

Today, we are happy to announce that we will have a special guest at Mysterium 2016: Chuck Carter will be joining us on Friday and Saturday to talk about his work and generally to hang out with the fans.


Chuck, along with Robyn Miller, created the artwork that brought the worlds of Myst to life. After Myst, he worked on a number of other games, including a number of titles at Westwood Studios. He has created artwork for TV shows like Babylon 5, Crusade, and Mortal Kombat Krusades, as well as for motion rides like “Star Trek: The Experience” and Disney’s “Mission to Mars”.

Today, he is the Founder and Creative Director for indie studio Eagre Games, working on their first game, Zed. I gave Zed a try at Pax East last weekend. Trust me, if you liked Myst you’re going to like Zed.


We are very excited to have Chuck joining us. This is going to be a Mysterium you don’t want to miss!


We are also happy to announce that Cyan will be involved in Mysterium in some way this year! We don’t know quite what type of involvement yet (whether it will be a video call or actual Cyan employees at the convention), but we will keep you updated as we learn more.


A reminder that Con Book submissions are due tomorrow, and event submissions are due this coming Monday. And don’t forget that registration is currently open!

We know many people are wondering about hotel information. We sincerely apologize for the delay in getting that to you, and we anticipate that we will be able to open hotel bookings in the first week or two of May. We are in the final steps of getting the contract signed right now.

Until next time,

Mysterium 2016 PR Bah’ro

Deadline Reminder

Greetings all

This is a quick reminder that several deadlines are coming up:

Convention book submissions are due April 29th, which is in just a couple weeks! Thus far, we have had zero submissions. So if you have something that you’d like to share with the community through the conbook, please submit it! You can get all the details here:

A few days later is the submission deadline for events, panels, and other activities on May 1st. You can get those details here:

Finally, don’t forget that registration is currently open! You can buy your badges and t-shirts here:

That’s it for now, but keep an eye peeled over the next few days. We’ll be announcing an exciting special guest that will be at Mysterium this year!

Mysterium 2016 PR Bah’ro

Logos and Conbooks and Travel, Oh My!

We have a bunch of info for you today, so I’ll jump right into it:


We are happy to announce our selection for T-shirt logos. We got a number of great submissions this year, and we want to thank everyone who submitted. The logos for the shirt this year were made by Claire Hummel (aka Shoom’lah):





You can get more info about the shirts, including how attendees can purchase them, here:

In addition to those two, there were two other submissions that we have some non-shirt ideas for. The first is from Zib Redlektab:


Zib’s gonna zib.

And the second is from Robert Barnett:


Wouldn’t this be a great poster? Or post card?

Travel Info

We are still finalizing hotel details, but we’ve prepared information about getting to and around Salt Lake City. You can find that here: That page will be updated over time, so be sure to check back again closer to the convention.

Convention Books

As always, we will have a souvenir convention book for attendees who buy an early-bird registration this year. The conbook is a showcase of the amazing creativity of the fandom. If you write, or paint, or knit, or do anything other creative work related to Myst and Cyan’s other games, please share it with the rest of us! Conbook submissions will be taken until April 29th. You can find out more details about how to submit here:

Until next time!

Mysterium 2016 PR Bah’ro