Color Communications Badges

Color Communications Badges

We want everyone to have a good time at Mysterium, but we also know that large crowds can be a little overwhelming to some people. To help attendees who may wish to express their communication preferences quickly and non-verbally, we’ve followed BronyCon‘s lead and partnered with the Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN) to make their color-coded badges available to any attendee who wants one. Use these badges to indicate to others whether you want to be approached for interactions or not.

Briefly, here’s what the colors mean:

cc squares green

“Come Talk To Me!” A person wearing a green badge is actively seeking interaction. They may have trouble initating conversations, but it’s okay to come up and start a conversation with them.

cc squares yellow

“Do I Know You?” A yellow badge means its wearer only wants to talk to people they recognize. Unless you’ve met this person face-to-face before, don’t start a conversation with them. If they start talking to you, you’re welcome to talk back.

cc squares red

“Not Right Now.” If a person has a red badge showing, they do not want anyone to talk to them. They may approach you to talk, in which case it’s okay to respond. But unless you’ve been told you’re on someone’s “red list”, don’t start interacting with them.

If you see someone wearing a yellow or red badge, please respect their wishes. If you are wearing a yellow or red badge and someone is harassing you by not respecting your preference, find the nearest Mysterium staff member immediately.

Again, these badges will be available at the registration desk to anyone who wants one. You will receive a pin-on badge holder with two cards: a green/yellow double-sided card, and a red card. We will also have signs throughout the convention spaces at the hotel and at Cyan explaining these badges.

If you are interested in using these badges at your own event, you can download BronyCon’s template here:

Schedule Updates, Cyan Activities, and Paper People

Myst Poster

Mysterium is just two weeks away (14 days, 20 hours, 50 minutes, and 28 seconds, but who’s counting?) and we’ve got a few more announcements for you.

Our schedule has been updated with lots of new information. Check out all of the nifty things going on! We have a very full weekend planned, so expect ambitious and firm cat herding as we work to make it all go smoothly and on-time. Of special note: Bryan Stratton, author of the Prima Strategy Guides for Uru, Myst IV, and Myst V, will be at Mysterium this year, and will have a discussion panel on Sunday morning!

If exploring the desert is more your speed (and we know it is for some of you), there is an optional Sunday field trip to Livingstones Rock Ranch outside of Spokane. This trip will include a guided hike through local geology, a tour of their Mineral Museum, and a chance to dig up your own sparkly stones. Those wishing to attend should be ready to depart the hotel at 10:30 AM; trip and ride-share sign-up will be posted in the meeting room. There is an additional cost of $12.50 per person for this activity that is not included in your registration fee.

In addition, we have a lot of stuff happening at Cyan. We are thrilled to announce that for the first time in Mysterium’s history, both Rand and Robyn Miller will be on-hand for a Q&A panel on Saturday morning! Cyan will also have a variety of merchandise available for purchase at their office on Saturday, including a new, limited-run Myst poster that features a special varnished watermark commemorating the 20th anniversary of the game. This poster (which you can see above) will be available for $20, limit 2 per person, with only 300 available! Be sure to check the schedule for our full itinerary at Cyan Headquarters, and who knows, there may still be a few surprises…

Can’t make it to Mysterium, but want to be there in spirit? Send a picture of yourself to, and we’ll be sure your printed likeness makes an appearance.

Registration and Event Reminders

Hello again, everyone. It’s officially summer, and Mysterium is fast approaching! We’ve got a couple of timely reminders for you today.

First, the last day for online registration and t-shirt pre-orders is July 4th. That’s only two weeks away! If you plan to attend, please register online so that we can get an accurate estimate of attendance numbers. If you plan on buying a Mysterium t-shirt, we strongly encourage you to do so either by pre-ordering one to pick up at the convention, or by using our Square Market store to buy one that can be shipped to you. Order for shirts through our Square store will also close after July 4th, so get your orders in now!

Second, the deadline for event submissions is June 30th. If you’ll be at Mysterium and you have an idea for a panel discussion, presentation, display, or activity that you’re interested in running, please let us know! Head over to, be sure to read the event guidelines, and fill out the form at the bottom of the page.

We’re so excited about this year’s Mysterium, and we can’t wait to see you all in Spokane. Shorah b’shemtee!

Temporary Registration Downtime

We are taking registration offline for about 24 hours to do some back-end shuffling on the PayPal side of things. We expect to have everything back online tomorrow, April 26th. We apologize for the inconvenience.