Mysterium 2009 Con Book & Cookbook Submissions Call


Because Mysterium is an event by fans, for fans, the Mysterium Committee is always looking for new ways to showcase the community’s creativity at the event. To that end, we will, for the first time, be providing a con book for attendees at the convention. In addition to information about the weekend’s events, we also want to add as much community content as possible. If you have a Myst- or Uru-related story or image you would like to share with the community, please send it to us using the submission form on this page.

In honor of Mysterium’s 10th anniversary, we are also creating a Mysterium Cookbook, which will be sold online to help cover the costs of the convention. If you have a Myst, Uru, or D’ni-themed recipe (or even something that could pass as a Myst, Uru, or D’ni-themed recipe), please send it to us using the submission form on this page.

Both books will be full-color 8.25″ x 10.75″ glossy magazine-style booklets, printed using an on-demand printing service called MagCloud. The con book will be included in the cost of registration, and given to each attendee who pre-registers. A limited number of books will be available for walk-in registrants, so if you want to have a con book at Mysterium, we recommend pre-registering to ensure you get one.

The cookbook will be sold separately through MagCloud before and after the convention, and anyone wishing to obtain a copy of the con book can do so after the convention, when it will be made available at cost. Proceeds from the sale of the cookbook will be put toward the cost of the convention.

Submissions for the Mysterium 2009 Con Book and Mysterium Cookbook must be submitted by May 31st to allow sufficient time for publication. Guidelines for submissions to these books can be found on the submission forms on our website at

Con Book Submissions

Cookbook Submissions

Mysterium 2009 Hotel Announcement


The Mysterium Committee is pleased to announce the hotel that will be used for Mysterium 2009. Due to the interest and attendance typically seen at Spokane Mysteriums, we have decided to use a different hotel this year that is closer to downtown and the airport, and which offers us more space and flexibility in organizing events and activities.

Mysterium 2009 will be held in the University District / Downtown Comfort Inn Suites [ Google Maps ]. (For those who like to use Street View, the hotel appears as the “Shilo Inn Hotel”, as it was just recently bought by Comfort Inn.)

Booking should be done via the hotel’s front desk at (509) 535-9000. Mention the Mysterium group to obtain our group rate and be booked within our room block. You may book a room for up to three days before and after the event using the Mysterium group rate. Rooms reserved under the group rate are $89/night plus tax for up to four occupants. AAA members and attendees in general are encouraged to check for the lowest possible rate; reserving this early may net discounted rates below the Mysterium group rate for individual travelers, but please be aware you will be booked outside of our room block.

Mysterium will be making use of the Pend O’reille (“pond-o-ray”) Room on the 5th floor throughout the weekend. The registration desk will be open officially starting at 10:00 AM on Friday, July 30th. If you are arriving on Thursday, an unofficial registration desk will be open starting at 5:30 PM so that you can pick up your registration packet and more easily meet up with other attendees.


The Mysterium Committee once again plans to provide tools for attendees to make room and ride sharing plans with each other. More information about these tools will be made available in the coming weeks. As always, the Mysterium Committee is not responsible for your travel plans or those with whom you choose to room.


The Comfort Inn Suites offers a complimentary airport/Amtrak/Greyhound station shuttle, which operates 7AM to 11PM. Details for a local attendee-run “shuttle” for anyone needing transportation to or from any of these locations outside of these hours are still being finalized.

Mysterium 2009 Logo Contest and Presentation Submissions

Hello community members! We have two new deadlines and one new contest to introduce to you today.

Once again it’s time for the Annual Logo Contest! There have been some changes from past years, so please make sure you read the submission guidelines carefully. We’re excited to see what this year’s submissions hold!

The Mysterium 2009 Logo Contest Submission Deadline is March 31st. Detailed guidelines are available at

Presentations have been a staple of past Mysteria, and this year is no different. We are offering several different formats to encourage a greater range of fan-led activities. Presentation requests should be made by May 31 via the form at

In the coming weeks we’ll talk more about transportation and hotel offerings, so stay tuned for upcoming announcements!

Announcing Mysterium 2009 Q&A Session and Calls for Submission

Hello members of the Myst fan community! The Mysterium Committee has a few announcements to make today.

First, we’d like to announce that a special Q&A session with members of Mysterium Committee, to be held on January 17th at 5pm Pacific Time (8PM Eastern Time, 11PM GMT). The Q&A session will be held in the IRC server and CyanChat relay, which can be accessed at

Next we’d like to talk about calls for submissions.

We’d like to encourage people to make and wear costumes based on D’ni characters, either a recreation of something seen in the games, or a personal interpretation of Myst-themed wear. Prizes will be had!

Look for an announcement within the next two weeks as we begin to put together the first ever D’niverse Cookbook with your favorite recipes!

We’ve started planning some of the events that will happen at this year’s Mysterium. Currently in the works is “What Would Atrus Build” 2; Marker Missions; Trivia; The Wolfie Memorial Water-coaster-park Extravaganza. Details on these events and more will come out as we approach the convention, so stay tuned for more event-related announcements.

I’d like to address a question that I know is pressing on the mind of many fans- what kind of involvement will Cyan have this year? We spoke to Rand about Mysterium in Spokane and he said “If we can, we will participate.” Currently no plans have been made beyond that at this time, but we will keep you informed.