Registration and Event Submissions Now Open!

Shorah friends,

Welcome to 2015! I hope everyone out there had a good new year. It is currently quite cold (and slightly snowy) in Boston, but I’m pretty sure all of that will clear up sometime in the 7 months before Mysterium.

But until it does, here’s some news!


Pre-Registration for Mysterium 2015 is now OPEN! You can check out all of the details here.

We are trying out a tiered pricing structure this year. Right now, you can get our early-bird pricing. Prices will increase in mid-June, so be sure to register early. The sooner we know how many people are coming, the easier it is to plan the rest of the convention.

Event Submissions

Mysterium is nothing without interesting panels and fun contests: Heek tournaments, marker missions, D’ni clocks, language lessons – over the years, we’ve had some awesome events. This year, attendees will even get to see an exclusive sneak-peek of Obduction, courtesy of Cyan!

But we can’t do it all without you! Do you have an idea for a fun panel, activity, contest, or anything else? If so, we want to hear about it! You can get all the details about event submissions over at our events page.

Hotel, T-shirts, and other things

Over the weekend, a group of us made a site visit to a hotel that looks very promising. We can’t give you the full details until the contracts are all signed, but we’re optimistic it should all be settled in the next week or two. Room pricing should be on par with our normal rates (~$105-110/night for 2 beds). We’ll let you know when we have everything settled.

Similarly, we are almost ready to announce our T-shirt logos, but not quite yet. We’re waiting on some small revisions from the two artists before posting them. But trust us, they are going to be *awesome*.

Finally, we’ll be opening conbook submissions very soon. So start getting your submissions ready, be they artwork, stories, articles, poetry, recipes, papercrafts, or whatever else you can think of!


To the Honor of Our Tubers,
-Taniith, Mysterium 2015 chair

Logo Contest Deadline Reminder

Hi All

Just a quick reminder that submissions for the 2015 Mysterium Logo Contest are due by next Monday, December 29th. So if you were thinking about making a logo, be sure to get it to us before then!

You can find all the details of the logo contest here.


Updated Mysterium Policies

Shorah Friends,

We’re still working away on nailing down the details of our hotel. More on that in a few weeks.

Today, I wanted to let you know about some changes to our harassment policies. Over the past few months, we’ve been working with the wonderful folks over at the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center to make sure we have a comprehensive set of policies and procedures for handling any future harassment. And we’re pretty happy with the end result.

First is our policies page, available from the top bar, or directly here. The main change is in the harassment section. We took a cue from New York Comic Con’s policy and simplified ours. Now it is easy to read and very clear that we have zero tolerance for harassment.

Second is the new incident report page. This can be reached from the harassment section on the policies page, or directly here. This was adapted from procedures put in place by the Firefly Arts Collective. It lays out who can report a problem (anyone), when a problem can be reported (anytime), and what will happen if you or someone else does report something to us. In addition, this page has a web-form for submitting a report, if doing so in person is not possible or not desired. We want to make sure that everyone and anyone can feel safe reporting any sort of harassment that occurs at Mysterium, regardless of who did it or what it was.

Now, just to be clear, this isn’t because we expect to have to enforce the policy. Mysterium is generally attended by wonderful people who would never harass other attendees. However, as we try to reach out and grow our awesome little convention (and particularly for large years like 2014), we felt it was important to be prepared.

As with anything, if you have any comments or suggestions about these changes, please feel free to drop us a line.


Mysterium 2015 Kickoff & Logo Contest

Shorah Friends!

Well, we’ve been radio silent for a couple months, but we definitely haven’t been twiddling our thumbs!

For those who don’t know me, my name is Taniith, and I’ll be heading up the Mysterium committee for 2015. We have some fun new things in the works, and I think you’re all really going to enjoy them. And of course, Mysterium 2015 will be just a few months before Obduction’s planned launch, so we’ll do our best to get a sneak peak out of Cyan.*

Date & Location

As was announced this summer, Mysterium 2015 will take place from August 7-9th in Boston, Massachusetts. As a reminder, Mysterium always takes place on the first full weekend of August.

The last time we were in Boston was 2011, and we have the whole 2011 band back together (along with some new faces and old favorites). We’re currently in the process of scouting hotels, and we expect to have more about that in a couple months. If all goes according to plan, pre-registration should re-open before the year is out.

Theme Announcement

The theme for this year’s Mysterium will be the age of Todelmer! An age built to study the heavens. And glorious heavens you’ll find at Mysterium, if we have anything to say about it.**

Logo Contest

Finally, today we are kicking off our annual logo contest! Submissions are due by December 29th, 2014. You can submit either a front design, a back design, or both. More information about the design requirements and where to submit your entries is available at the logo contest page.

Even if you are not an artist yourself, please pass the contest details along to anyone who might be interested. We look forward to seeing what people come up with!

That’s all we have for now. But stay tuned for more in the near future.

To the honor of our Tubers,

-Taniith, Mysterium 2015 Chair

*we’ve got connections… and if that fails we’ll bake Bribe Donuts.
**yes, you can expect more Esher quotes in future blog poasts. Con-chair’s prerogative.

Wrapping Up Mysterium 2014

Shorah b’shemtee!

First, thank you so much to everyone who came to this year’s Mysterium; you helped make this our second-biggest event ever with over 150 attendees! Myst fans are the best! We hope you had a great time, and we appreciate your feedback. If you have anything you want to tell us about your experience (positive or negative), please email

If you have photos from last weekend that you’d like to share, please tag the Mysterium page on Google+, add them to the Mysterium 2014 Flickr Group, upload them to the Mysterium Facebook group, or you can add them to our Flickr photostream by following the instructions located here.

Next year’s Mysterium is going to be awesome! Obduction’s release will be getting closer, and we look forward to expanding the number of activities and panels for you to attend. Mysterium 2015 will be in Boston, MA, August 7 – 9. If you missed your chance to pre-register at the convention on Sunday, never fear. We’ll be putting up pre-registration again in a few months, once we’ve recovered from this year’s festivities and gotten more planning finalized.

Until then, you can keep in touch with us and other attendees by joining our forum or our Facebook group. We’ll also be posting updates to our Facebook page, our Google+ page, our Tumblr, and our Twitter account.

Thank you again to everyone who came, and to everyone who watched out livestream. Mysterium is nothing without people like you! We hope to see you again next year!