Videos can be found on our official Youtube channel playlist here.
If you have video from Mysterium 2009, please email with a link!
- Ashem and Jaron’s Personal Gallery
- Fallstar’s Picasa Gallery
- Jeff and Dagda’s Photobucket Gallery
- Kierra’s Photobucket Gallery
- Marten’s Personal Gallery
- Moiety Jean’s Flickr Gallery
- MystDee’s Photobucket Gallery
- MystDee’s Facebook Gallery
- Taniith’s Facebook Gallery
- Taniith’s Google+ Gallery
- Weldergeek’s Photobucket Gallery
- WKWalker’s Personal Gallery
- Aloys’ screenshots of the webcam at Cyan Worlds HQ.
If you have photos from Mysterium 2009, please email with a link to your gallery, or add them to our Mysterium 2009 group on Flickr!
- Front Logo by Jean Fioca
- Back Logo by Claire “Shoom’lah” Hummell
(Due to a mix-up in printing, this year’s winning front and back logos were swapped on the t-shirts.)
Convention Book
Because Mysterium is an event by fans, for fans, the Mysterium Committee is always looking for new ways to showcase the community’s creativity at the event. To that end, for the first time, we created a convention book for attendees. In addition to information about the weekend’s events, we also wanted to add as much community content as possible, so content such as stories, interviews, and artwork was solicited from the community.
The Mysterium 2009 Con Book is a full-color 8.25″ x 10.75″ glossy magazine-style booklet, printed using MagCloud, an on-demand printing service. The con book was included in the cost of registration, and given to each attendee who pre-registered. Because the book was printed on-demand, we are pleased to be able to offer the Mysterium 2009 Convention Book to the community at large. Both print and digital copies of the book are available in our MagCloud store.
In honor of Mysterium’s 10th anniversary, we created a Mysterium Cookbook using recipes solicited from the Myst community.
The cookbook is a full-color 8.25″ x 10.75″ glossy magazine-style book, printed using MagCloud, an on-demand printing service.
Anyone wishing to obtain a copy of the cook book can do so for $10. Proceeds from the sale of the cookbook will be put toward the cost of the convention. Mysterium 2009 Attendees who would like a copy of the book should contact for access to a discounted copy of the book, as it was promised as part of the Mysterium 2009 Convention Book but removed at the last minute due to space constraints.