Welcome to the Official Mysterium Lounge, a discord server dedicated to the annual convention for fans of Myst and to the other games from Cyan, Inc. This is a space to discuss the convention, the games, the world, or just connect with other like-minded folk. {br} # Roles {@Guild Moderator} - the people who look after this server. Tag us if you have any issues or need any help {@Mysterium Staff} - the volunteers who run Mysterium. Do not tag this role for moderation. See above {@Cyantist} - current and former Cyan employees {@Guildsman} - everyone's role, you need to be a guildsman to see the rest of the server # Rules To make sure this is a safe and respectful space, we ask that members of this community adhere to these rules. Failure to do so will result in a warning or removal from the server: {br} ## 1. No Harassment or Hate Speech Mysterium has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for harassment of any kind. You are expected to abide by the Mysterium harassment policy, which may be found at {%https://mysterium.net/policies/#harassment%}. ## 2. Be Excellent to Each Other Rudeness and disrespect are not tolerated. Manipulative language and behavior is also not tolerated. Be mindful about what you post in this server and please take the time to consider other people's reactions and feelings about what you may post. Disagreements may arise in any human social interaction, but the server is not intended to be a place to attack other individuals publicly. Please resolve any issues privately, or if you feel third party intervention is necessary see Rule 3. Do not bring in arguments from other servers. Leave it in DMs. Do not bring up controversial subjects with the intention of starting an argument. ### Avoid Vagueposting Vagueposting is the practice of making posts that are intentionally vague, usually designed to elicit attention or concerned responses from others without giving real details or spawning meaningful conversation. They could also be an attempt to disparage other person(s) or group(s) without giving their name. Our server is not your personal lifeblog/microblogging platform, and should not be used as such. It's fine to share what's going on in your life from time to time, but remember that this is a community, and not your blog. {br} ## 3. Mod Authority If you need assistance from a moderator, there are two venues: 1. For emergencies such as a troll or scammer, ping the {@Guild Moderator} role and the first available moderator will take care of it. 1. For all other issues, use ModMail (see the {#modmail} channel for instructions). The moderation team has final authority on enforcement and interpretations of the server rules, including on general conduct that may not be explicitly covered by a specific rule. If you feel a moderator was acting inappropriately you may discuss it privately with an admin with the {@Grand Master} role; however, if you are told that a decision is final, do not try to further argue the point, and do not contact multiple admins in the hopes of obtaining a different result. Additionally, messages to admins reporting other moderators or admins will be shared with the full admin team. In our discretion, we may avoid sharing the report with the person being reported, but we cannot guarantee that if we believe the report does not have merit. {br} # Content Rules ## 4. Keep Content Family-Friendly: Mysterium and our server are family-friendly spaces. Suggestive content and mature conversation may only be posted in the ⁠after-hours channel. Explicit images are not allowed in any channel. Keep all other channels PG-13. While swearing is OK, don’t go overboard, and don’t direct it at others. ## 5. Avoid Controversial Topics Keep discussion of real-world politics to a minimum. Under no circumstances is it acceptable to engage in political arguments. ## 6. Respect Sensitive Topics Venting, as well as any light discussions pertaining to mental health, should be kept in the {#muffled-screaming-corner} channel. Do not joke about sensitive topics (e.g., suicide, self-harm, mental illness, etc.) in any channel. We care about the well-being of our community members; however, this server is not an alternative to professional therapy or support. If you or someone you know needs help, please seek out trained professionals for appropriate care. This rule is not an attempt to deny our community members an emotional outlet but is instead intended to protect them from both those with malicious intent and those with well-intended, unqualified advice that could cause additional harm. ## 7. Mark Spoilers in Non-Spoiler Channels Open discussion of spoilers is allowed in {#cyan-spoilers}. In all other channels, spoilers must be hidden with spoiler tags (surround your text in double-pipes `||`). Also, include a note indicating *__what__* is being spoiled. e.g: ||Atrus tells you to try moving the slider|| (Myst IV puzzle) {br} ## 8. No Piracy Do not discuss software piracy in the server, particularly with regard to Cyan’s games. ## 9. No Spam Do not spam, especially with images. The occasional meme is fine in an appropriate channel, but post sparingly (and mind the PG-13 rating). ## 10. Self-Promotion If you are generally active in the server and have a relevant item/service for sale, or want to show off content you create, feel free to share it. Just keep in mind that we are primarily here to be your friends, not your customers. Also, mind the No Spam rule. ## 11. AI-Generated Content Machine learning generators (often referred to as AI generators) are controversial. We acknowledge that people may want to experiment with AI / machine learning generators for text or images, and to share these generated items with others. However, these generated items are not considered to be actual creative content, so do not post it into {#creativity} or any other channel on this server. Posting a generated item will result in moderator action. {br} # Onboarding New members must agree to our rules using Discord's Membership Screening system before you can post. Check the top/bottom of your screen for a message about that. If you have any questions, please contact ModMail (See {#modmail} for information). Otherwise, have fun, and enjoy your stay! Use this Link to Invite your Friends! https://discord.gg/mysteriumcon